Our registration system requires everyone to create an account when you sign up, and then your basic information will be saved for future seasons.  

  • To get started, select Forms on the Main Menu, then Online forms, then 2020 Spring/Summer Player Registration.
  • PARTIAL PAYMENTS - Anyone may request to pay in installments. Send email to pasadenabaseball@gmail.com to request this option.
  • WANT $50 BACK? - All registrations paid in full on or before January 31, 2020, will be automatically entered in a raffle for a $50 refund.
  • AVOID WAIT LISTS AND LATE FEES - Register on or before February 15, 2020.  All registration forms received after February 15, 2020, will be subject to Wait Lists when divisions are full, and a $15 late fee.
  • HOW OLD IS MY CHILD? - Fall clinic/intramural baseball age is determined by the player's age on September 1, 2020. Travel age date is on May 1, 2020.
  • MORE QUESTIONS? - See below, and FALL BASEBALL page, especially the FAQ section at the bottom of that page.  If you still have questions, email pasadenabaseball@gmail.com.


Travel Teams are still using the previous age determination date of May 1 (age on April 30, 2020).


Registration status as of Monday 3/9 3pm.

  • Clinic 4-5U & 6U - still open
  • Rec 7-8U, 9-10U & 11-12U - Closed, WAIT LIST
  • Rec 13-15U - 3 spots open

To register now, go to Forms on the main menu, then Online Forms, then the Player Registration Form.


After careful consideration, the Board of Directors of Pasadena Baseball Club has canceled the Spring 2020 season. While we had hoped to be able to get the kids on the field for a modified Spring/ Summer schedule, we do not feel that is in the cards for us at this time. As a community based volunteer organization, this decision was not an easy one. For both our baseball families and our league as a whole, we have set up the following refund options for Spring 2020 registration fees:

1. Have your entire Spring 2020 registration fee carried over to either of the next 2 Pasadena Baseball sponsored seasons at the rate that was paid for Spring 2020.

2. Have your registration fee for Spring 2020 refunded by check, minus a $25 administrative credit. This $25 credit will be able to be used towards registration for either of the next 2 Pasadena Baseball sponsored seasons. Registration fees paid in Spring 2020 will not be locked in for this option.

To claim your refund for Spring 2020, please email Jim Knipple at pbcmoneyman@yahoo.com. Each refund will have to be processed individually. Please be patient. If you request your refund, it will be sent to you as soon as possible.


We will be holding intramural player evaluations for players registered for 8U and up this weekend on Saturday, March 6 at 1:00pm at Havenwood Park.  Rain date is Sunday, March 7 at 2:00pm.

Please have your child dress warm as the temps will only be in the 50s. Make sure you bring all your equipment (helmets, bats, gloves).

Players and parents will need to wear masks on the sidelines but players may remove theirs once they are out on the field.

Please email Seth Greer greersh@gmail.com with any questions.