Baseball's Ten Commandments

Baseball's Ten Commandments
Chief Bender pitched in the major leagues from 1903 through 1925, for a variety of teams. He was an American Indian from Crow Wing County, Minnesota and his lifetime earned run average was 2.46. He was inducted into the hall of fame years later and his ten commandments were published in April of 1970 by Baseball Digest.

We think they still apply today....


1. Nobody ever becomes a ball-player by walking after a ball.

2. You will never become a .300 hitter unless you take the bat off your shoulder.

3. If what you did yesterday still looks big to you, you haven't done much today.

4. Keep your head up and you may not have to keep it down.

5. When you start to slide, SLIDE. He who changes his mind may have to change a good leg for a bad one.

6. Do not alibi on bad hops. Anybody can field the good ones.

7. Always run them out. You can never tell.

8. Never quit.

9. Do not find too much fault with the umpires. You cannot expect them to be as perfect as you are.

10. A pitcher who hasn't control hasn't anything.

Conduct Meetings

We have two field conduct meetings planned this week.  Just a reminder, your conduct in one league may affect your ability to participate in any league. That's includes playing or watching.
Update: As a result of our conduct meetings, 1 player has been removed from a league for the rest of the season and 5 players have been suspended.
Lesson: We will not put up with unsportsmanlike behavior.

What does it take to be a Umpire/Ref for Victorville?

Be honest • Don’t deceive, cheat or steal • Be reliable — do what you say you’ll do • Have the courage to do the right thing • Build a good reputation • Be loyal — stand by your family, friends and country


Treat others with respect; follow the Golden Rule • Be tolerant of differences • Use good manners, not bad language • Be considerate of the feelings of others • Don’t threaten, hit or hurt anyone • Deal peacefully with anger, insults and disagreements


Do what you are supposed to do • Persevere: keep on trying! • Always do your best • Use self-control • Be self-disciplined • Think before you act — consider the consequences • Be accountable for your choices


Play by the rules • Take turns and share • Be open-minded; listen to others • Don’t take advantage of others • Don’t blame others carelessly


Be kind • Be compassionate and show you care • Express gratitude • Forgive others • Help people in need


Do your share to make your school and community better • Cooperate • Get involved in community affairs • Stay informed; vote • Be a good neighbor • Obey laws and rules • Respect authority • Protect the environment

Behavior Reminders

If you missed the meeting...
Bad language can and will be used against you. Do not be surprised by this.
Any violent act or threat by a player will, of course get him/her removed form the league for the remainder of the season - or more, AND the manager will be ejected from the current and the next game as well. The message? Don't have players on your roster who cannot be controlled.
A reminders: A softball umpire may remove any bat from a game based on his feeling that something doesn't seem right. This is not contestable. Once the call is made, the call is final.
Ejections made on the last day of games can carry over to subsequent leagues.
Oh, and I guess I should add...using any illegal substance, especially in the dugout, can mean that you are through playing in Victorville...


Consider this a notice for all managers, in all sports. All players who play in our league need to be on the legal roster. In the past ,we have waited for a protest, however, since I think that some managers are breaking that trust, we will be coming down on teams in violation of the roster rule even without a protest. I know that we have had an upset team or two who got a penalty for not turning in a roster, consider yourself lucky, those games should not have even been played. The rule is that rosters are turned in just before the first game is played - no exceptions. If you don't have a roster turned in, you will not be playing. Bogus rosters will also incur a penalty. So this means that gone are the days of borrowing players. It's unfortuate that we have to take these measures, but the offending manager's must bear this responsibility. If it means we have fewer teams, so be it. It's become an issue of quality. If you cannot play by these rules, you'll have to play elsewhere.
90% of our managers are doing a great job, and you should feel that your efforts are now paying off. Thank you for the work you do!
Please let me know if you have any concerns.
Take care, be safe and have fun!
David C. Coleman
Recreation Supervisor

Victorville Veteran's Parade

PDA News

If you have a PDA you can have the welcome page, including the weekly schedules downloaded on your device. I have mine downloaded through AvantGo. Let me know if you need help.

A Word About Rosters

Lately we've had a few roster/player eligibilty protests and since some playoffs are starting I thought I'd post some information that may be helpful.

1-All teams must have turned in a complete roster before they play their first game. If there is a player protest against a team without a roster turned in, the protest will be allowed and the game will be lost. 
Additions to the Offical Roster must be done with the addition/deletion form and before the deadline, which is set at the halfway mark. (Check the handout section)

2-All players must sign the game card. If a player arrives late he/she may be added, but must sign the card before they play. If a player signs a card with someone else's name they will be kicked out of all leagues for a minimum of one season and the team will be placed on probabtion. Teams/players placed on probation are subject to a minimum of doubling penalties and/or removal from league for infractions.
Players may not play on multiple teams in a league.

40 Developmental Assets

Why do some kids grow up with ease, while others struggle? Why do some kids get involved in dangerous activities, while others spend their time contributing to society? The Search Institute has identified 40 concrete qualities-- developmental assets --that have a tremendous influence on young peoples lives and choices.

Research shows that the 40 developmental assets help young people make wise decisions, choose positive paths, and grow up competent, caring, and responsible.

One of our goals for the City of Victorville is that we teach everyone the importance and the skills of being an asset developer for the youth of our community.

The numbers are shocking. Kids who can say that they have received 30-40 of the assets have a tremendously higher rate of High School and College graduation rates, and have an equally tremendously lower rate of teen unwed birth. Conversely, kids who claim to have 10 or less of the below assets are much more likely to spend time in prison and have negative drug use issues.

Look at the list below and see how many you experienced. Then think about ways you can provide these assets to your kids and kids in the community. You will notice that parents can only do so much for their own children and they will need the positive influence of others.

External Assets
The first 20 developmental assets focus on positive experiences that young people receive from the people and institutions in their lives.

Support -Young people need to experience support, care, and love from their families, neighbors, and many others. They need organizations and institutions that provide positive, supportive environments.

1.Family Support – Family life provides high level of love and support.
2.Positive Family Communication – Child and parent communicate positively and child is willing to seek advice and counsel from parent.
3.Other Adult Relationships – Child receives support from three or more non-parent adults.
4.Caring Neighborhood – Child experiences caring neighbors.
5.Caring School Climate – School provides a caring, encouraging environment.
6.Parent Involved in Schooling – Parent(s) are actively involved in helping child succeed in school.

Empowerment -Young people need to be valued by their community and have opportunities to contribute to others. For this to occur, they must be safe and feel secure.

7.Community Values Youth – Child perceives that adults in the community value youth.
8.Youth as resources – Young people are given useful roles in the community.
9.Service to Others – Child serves in the community one hour or more per week.
10.Safety – Child feels safe at home, at school and in the neighborhood.

Boundaries and expectations -Young people need to know what is expected of them and whether activities and behaviors are "in bounds" or "out of bounds."

11.Family Boundaries – Family has clear rules and consequences , and monitors young person whereabouts.
12.School Boundaries – School provides clear rules and consequences.
13.Neighborhood Boundaries – Neighbors take responsibility for monitoring young people’s behavior.
14.Adult Role Models - Parent(s) and other adults model positive, responsible behavior.
15.Positive Peer Influence – Child’s best friends model responsible behavior.
16.High Expectations – Both parent(s) and teachers encourage the child to do well.

Constructive use of time - Young people need constructive, enriching opportunities for growth through creative activities, youth programs, congregational involvement, and quality time at home.

17.Creative Activities – Child spends three or more hours per week in lessons or practice in music, theater, or other arts.
18.Youth Programs – Child spends three or more hours per week in sports, clubs or organizations at school and/or community organizations.
19.Religious Community – Child spends one or more hours per week in activities at a religious institution.
20.Time at Home – Child is out with friends “with nothing special to do” two or fewer times per week.

Internal Assets
The second 20 assets identify those characteristics and behaviors that reflect positive internal growth, which increase inner strength.

Commitment to learning -Young people need to develop a lifelong commitment to education and learning.

21.Achievement Motivation – Child is motivated to do well in school.
22.School Engagement – Child is actively involved in learning.
23.Homework – Child does at least one hour of homework every school day.
24.Bonding to School – Child cares about his/her school.
25.Reading for Pleasure – Child reads or is read to for pleasure three or more hours per week.

Positive values -Youth need to develop strong values that guide their choices.

26.Caring – Child places high value on helping others.
27.Equality and Social Justice – Child places a high value on promoting equity and reducing hunger and poverty.
28.Integrity - Child acts with convictions and stands up for his/her beliefs.
29.Honesty – Child tells the truth even when it isn’t easy.
30.Responsibility – Child accepts and takes personal responsibility.
31.Restraint – Child believes it is important not to be sexually active or to use alcohol or other drugs.

Social competencies -Young people need skills and competencies that equip them to make positive choices, to build relationships, and to succeed in life.

32.Planning and Decision Making – Child knows how to plan ahead and make choices.
33.Interpersonal Competence – Child has empathy, sensitivity, and friendship skills.
34.Cultural Competence – Child has knowledge of and comfort with people of different cultural/racial/ethnic backgrounds.
35.Resistance Skills – Child can resist negative peer pressure and dangerous situations.
36.Peaceful Conflict Resolution – Child seeks to resolve conflict nonviolently.

Positive identity -Young people need a strong sense of their own power, purpose, worth, and promise.

37.Personal Power – Child feels he or she has control over “things that happen to me.”
38.Self-Esteem – Child reports having high self esteem.
39.Sense of Purpose – Child feels his/her life has purpose.
40.Positive View of Personal Future – Child is optimistic about his/her person future.

Anyone can be an asset builder. We will present easy ideas for developing each of the assets. Stay tuned.

If you have questions, concerns or need help drop me an email, or if you feel others can benefit post a comment in the forum. Thank you in advance for making our community better!

Check out the Bulletin Board Each Month for Some Practical Applications

Building Support Assets #1-6

May 10, 2005
MAY 2005
Each month my goal is to present practical ideas to make you an asset builder - anyone can be an asset builder!

The first assets are the SUPPORT assets #1-6

For Infants -
-Smile at every newborn or infant you see.
-Take the time to hold babies and interact with them.

Toddlers -
-Say "yes" to children more often than you say "no"
-Cheer children when they master new skills. Comfort and guide them when they become frustrated.

Preschoolers -
-Get down to children's eye level whenever you interact with them.
-Encourage children's thinking ability by taking them to new situations, such as visiting a bird sanctuary or a candy manufacturer.

-Encourage children's passions and interests.
-Prepare to have things available around the house for kids to choose. For example, have a kid-sized golf club available or a bug net.
-When children and adults disagree, encourage adults to show that they still care. "I know you are upset right now, but remember, I love you." Don't over react if they reply "I don't love you." Just say "I know you're upset." Then refocus their attention to something else.

-Be available to listen.
-Affirm independence and interdependence. Show kids that you understand there are some things that they need to do on their own and that some things that they need family involvement.
-Think about ways to spend time with teens.
-Ask for their opinion.
Empower Assets #7-10 (of the 40 Developmental Assets)

-Realize that babies do not manipulate adults; respond immediately to their cries and needs.
-Prop up babies and hold them so they can see more.

-Ensure safety by childproofing all environments where children play. If you're not sure what to do, ask your doctor, daycare provider, or early childhood educator.
-Start introducing the value of community service by having children do simple tasks at home, such as putting a toy away in a toy box or picking up socks.

-Allow children to make simple choices, such as wearing black socks or red socks.
-Teach children basic safety rules, such as avoiding poisons and always wearing safety belts.
-Do simple acts of community service together with children such as collecting food for a food bank.

Elementary-Age Children
-Encourage children to write letters about issues that are important to them to the editor of your local paper.
-Ask children what they like and do not like about their daily routines. Make changes to improve them.

Middle and High School Youth
-Encourage teenagers to volunteer at least one hour a week. Talk with them about what they learn from these experiences.
-Talk with young people about their feelings and fears about safety. -Work together to help young people feel more safe.
-Help teenagers spend time contributing to their communities. This could range from finding out about opportunities and how to get involved to simply figuring out ways to get them there.
-Encourage teenagers to take leadership roles in addressing issues that concern them.

If there is nothing happening in your neighborhood - start something positive. How about the first Saturday of the month be a neighborhood beautification day. Have kids and adults volunteer to meet at 9am and do things like trash pick-up, grafitti removal, and lawn mowing to make the neighborhood clean for an hour or so, ending with free lemonade. Volunteer roles include giving supplies, bags, paint. lemonade, flers, and someone to pass them out door to door. A meeting spot etc. Don't be offended if everyone doesn't join in right away. Be cheerful and friendly, soon everyone will want to join you.

Managers - Know What's Going On! Players, you can Help

We have more information available to league managers in the City of Victorville than ever before. Pitch one -We have a website with schedules, results and news about upcoming leagues available 24/7/365. Pitch two- We have printed schedules that are handed out for every player that list games, upcoming leagues and deadlines, and we have, Pitch three- a Recreation Brochure that is mailed to every address in Victorville. A lot of information is available with very little effort

Still, however, about 5% of the managers come in after the deadline and say something like "No one ever called me. I didn't know when sign-ups were." These five percenters need your help. Players, don't assume that your managers know about important dates or deadlines, make sure to remind them. Some managers go into relax mode right after a season ends and don't think about the next season until someone calls. The information about the next season is always available before the current season ends.

So don't let your manager drop the ball or lose it in the sun, back him/her up. Remember, we provide three pitches, don't wiff.

Field Etiquette et al.

To All Team Managers: please read carefully and commit to memory. The following is basically the "do's and don'ts" of field use on every field in Victorville. These are very "common sense" rules. They are not unfair nor difficult to follow.


2) NEVER, EVER DO "SOFT TOSS" AGAINST ANY FENCE. This has been stressed for years now and should be common knowledge. Hitting a ball into chain link will cause the bottom to curl up and effect permanent damage and provide an injury hazard . The only way to do this acceptably is with whiffle balls.

3) DON'T TEAR, BREAK, CUT, BEND, CRACK, OR DISFIGURE ANY ITEM OF CITY PROPERTY. This includes, but not limited to, cutting locks, slamming bats into trash cans, benches, water fountains, prying off hasps and gate hinges, and anything else that we would tell our children not to do! Vandalism of city property before, during or after a game is still vandalism in it's strongest sense.

4) NO ALCOHOL. We have all known this since the leagues started. Not in the dugouts, stands or for sure even in the parking lots after the game. Not observing this rule may result in suspension from any city league.

5) NEVER LEAVE YOUR TEAM'S TRASH IN THE DUGOUT. Always pickup/clean up your teams trash, garbage, plastic bottles, burger wrappers, line-up cards, and whatever else you might bring in. There's always a trash can near if you actually look for it. Very easy thing to do, not too physically taxing. Just do it !

6) DON'T TAUNT TEAMS OR OFFICIALS OR USE FOUL LANGUAGE. We are playing for fun and exercise. In addition there our children present at times. Your behavior should reflect in a positive manner for recreation.

Rain Procedure

If it looks like rain .... Check here. If games have been called, the news will be displayed here in an obvious spot.

The Parks Department has the ultimate say so on the fields and sometimes they will not make that determination until just before game time. I will have them call me and I'll put the information on the website as soon as I know.

There will be times when the information does not reach me.

Don't assume that you won't play.

If the manager does not have good access to the website, appoint someone on the team. We could have 80 teams that compete each week and it's not realistic to call every team. So you have to check the website. If the website is down I'll try and change my outgoing message on my phone.

Run in the Park 3K/5K! Groundhog Day!

February 2, 2013 – 08:00 AM
Are you new to running and a 5k sounds too intimidating?  Or are you an experienced runner, but have friends/family that you want to get into the sport?  Maybe you're a walker and would like to spend the morning with others who share your passion for a healthy lifestyle?  Then our Run in the Park 3K series is for you! 
We're back with our 3rd event!  This event will be held on Saturday, February 2 at Sunset Ridge Park.  Mark your calendars!  Registration starts at 7:00am, and we'll start the run at 8am. Just $5 per runner 13 and over, -kids 12 and under free!. First 100 runners will receive a commemorative bib. We will offer special runners bibs for each of our park runs! Collect the set! Sign-up at Hook in advance for $5!
At 7:45am, I'll present what I learned from US Olympic Marathoner Jeff Galloway recently about starting out running, run nutrition and hydration.
Excuses and Answers:
E: I've never run before. A: At one time everyone could say that. Start out slow, we'll help you.
E: I don't think I could run that far. A: You don't have to. Run until you are winded, 1 minute? 30 seconds? 20 seconds? Who cares? Run, and then walk until you feel rested, then run a bit.  It's that simple. Come on out and we'll get you started on a system that works for you.
E: I haven't trained yet. A: That's OK, this run can be your first training!
E: I'm afraid that I'll get hurt. A: Make your first goal to consult a physician. It's a start!
E: That's not far enough for me. A: If you're an experienced runner, you're right. Why are you here? Support for friends? Community? Figure it out, run before hand, run afterward. Work on your pacing. Come up with a time and see how close you can come to it without looking! Make it fun!
E: I'm going to the Christmas Parade. A: Silly! Christmas is over!