If you have reached this page, this is our old website. We have a new one that contains all this information and our registrations.
Ridley Hockey League (RHL) is set in Ridley Township in Delaware County (Delco). The game of ball hockey is on feet, with full equipment. In a rink with dek tiles. Rules are similar but slightly different than ice hockey.
Location is 213 Bullens Lane, Woodlyn, PA 19094. Down the hill, behind the Widener softball field.
We help the kids learn the game of ball hockey to grow and play competitive ball hockey. Our league is for all skillsets from age 4 and up (including adults).
Equipment required is a helmet with full cage (no cage needed for 18+); elbow pads; gloves; shin pads; stick. We sell both Hagan and Mylec equipment, so you can order through us.
Spring season is from April-June. Fall season is from September-November. Days for the league are age dependent as well as how many players / teams sign-up each season.
It is about a 2-3 day per week (2-3 hour commitment per week)
We are a USA Ball Hockey sanctioned league. The rulebook is from USABH. All refs are trained by USABH. All players and staff must hold a valid USABH membership for each calendar year (January-December). Coaches and referees have a background check.
We are always looking for more referees and coaches (head and assistant) for all age groups. We are a volunteer group, as we are a non-profit league.
You can follow us at this website (www.leaguelineup.com/ridleyhockeyleague) and Facebook (www.facebook.com/ridleyhockeyleague) to stay aware of our happenings. You can also send us an email to woodlynhockeyrink@gmail.com to join our mailing list.