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What Should A Sports Fan Shop Offer? 30 Apr

What Should A Sports Fan Shop Offer?

Posted by Christopher Tallos 30-Apr-2016

A sports fan shop can help to raise funds for a team, as there are sports fans all over world that will spend big bucks on memorabilia. The popularity of certain sports may vary by region, so it is important to pay attention to your local demand. It’s also possible that you can sell sports merchandise for collegiate sports or high school teams.Before opening your shop, it is crucial to develop a business plan which describes the type of items you will be focusing on. Here’s a look at some of the sports memorabilia that you can put into your fan shop:

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How To Create Content For Your Sports Website 15 Mar

How To Create Content For Your Sports Website

Posted by Christopher Tallos 15-Mar-2016

Creating great content for your sports website requires adequate planning, knowledge, and imagination. Content is important because it makes your website “sticky” – meaning people will spend lots of time perusing and linking to the pages, which will give you a boost in the search engines while increasing your social media visibility. Your website’s content should also be diverse and high in quality, and below are some tips that will help you achieve this.

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5 Tips For Creating A Powerful Homepage For Your Sports Club 15 Feb

5 Tips For Creating A Powerful Homepage For Your Sports Club

Posted by Christopher Tallos 15-Feb-2016

The homepage is often considered the heart of your sports website, as it’s the first thing most people will see when they arrive. This page is arguably the most important, because if you fail to get it right, people will leave before they get a chance to see what else your website has to offer. Below are 5 tips which will transform your sports club homepage from average to spectacular:

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How To Use Colors On Your Sport Team Website 30 Dec

How To Use Colors On Your Sport Team Website

Posted by Christopher Tallos 30-Dec-2015

The color you choose for your sport team website is extremely important, and will determine its success or failure. The addition of color is more than just a cosmetic or artistic endeavor; it is a way of communicating with others. Regardless of how well designed your site may be, if it uses the wrong colors, it will communicate the wrong message. Before you begin selecting colors for your team site, there are three questions you should ask yourself. What type of sport are you portraying? What type of demographics are you reaching out to? What is the site’s main goal? We have some tips in this post that will help you answer these questions.

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