This site has not been updated and will be removed from the LeagueLineup network shortly. If you'd like to keep the site active please log in to the administration section.

Contact Information

Karin Morris



- Record and distribute minutes of all Executive and Annual or Special General Meetings
- Arrange for meeting rooms
- Prepare and distribute an agenda prior to each meeting
- Send notices and invitation of all meetings as directed by the President
- Receive and file or distribute copies of all correspondence received by any committee or individual pertaining to Niagara Falls Ringette
- Prepare and distributed all correspondence on behalf of the Niagara Falls Ringette
- Maintain a mailing list of all members of the Executive
- Provide a complete set of minutes, correspondence, reports, etc. to the new Secretary at the conclusion of the incumbent’s term
- Keep files and records, and maintain a supply of stationery, as may be necessary to carry out the business of the Association