Registration Requirement Waiver

I/We, the parents/guardians of the above-named Sharks Baseball candidate, hereby give my/our approval to participate in any and all activities. I/We know that participation in baseball or softball may result in serious injuries and protective equipment does not prevent all injuries to players, and do hereby waive, release, absolve, indemnify, and agree to hold harmless Merillon Athletic Association, the organizers, sponsors, supervisors, participants, Sharks Baseball and persons transporting my/our child to and from activities from any claim arising out of any injury to my/our child whether the result of negligence or for any other cause.
Refund Policy
I/We, the parents/guardians of a participant understand and agree that photos of my child may be posted on digital media by the organization.

Sharks Baseball Workouts Code of Conduct
The primary goal of our workouts is to provide youth athletes with a positive atmosphere, allowing the athletes to develop their baseball skills. It is our anticipation that you will help keep winter workouts a positive place for young players to learn and hone their baseball skills.
What is expected of all Parents/Players:
1.Provide an environment that is conducive to learning, both mentally and physically, of each and every participant of the winter workouts.
2.Honor the rules set forth by Sharks Baseball.
3.Treat all participants, trainers, umpires, and speakers with professionalism and respect; handle all (if any) disputes with discretion and class.
4.Be courteous and supportive to not only your own team but any and all participants of the Camp.
5.Treat the facility with respect by cleaning up after your team has finished a station/game to help our staff keep the Camp running efficiently and effectively.

Any act which is deemed a violation of this code of conduct, stated or not stated will result in any or all of the following:

Verbal warning from Sharks Baseball staff or board member
Ejection from the workouts for the day
Expulsion from the Workouts

Any physical altercation that transpires between anyone will be grounds for immediate and permanent expulsion from the event.

By agreeing to this waiver I/my child accept all responsibility for the actions of the participant. I/my child understand that I/my child are solely responsible to be knowledgeable of all the Sharks Baseball rules and regulations, as well as all other policies regarding the event in which the participants is participating in. I/my child also acknowledge that I/my child are responsible for providing workout officials with an accurate parental cell phone number and email address in the event of any issues that may arise (i.e. weather, injury, etc.). I/my child understand that the participant is expected to be available to participate in all scheduled events. I/my child also take responsibility for ensuring that all of my required paperwork is turned in, in full, by all dates set forth by Sharks Baseball workouts.
I have read and fully understand the waiver in which I have agreed to and the consequences for any behavior that violates it.

* indicates required fields