CEHL Team Regisration Form 2024-25 Winter Hockey

Team Information

Registration Fee - $6,895.00 for returning winter teams and summer registered teams. For new teams the cost will be $6,995.00 a deposit of $1000 will be accepted, $2500 by the 3rd game, remainder by the 5th game. If this payment schedule is not met future games will be cancelled (and not rescheduled) until fees are paid. 24 GAME GUARANTEE

INTERAC e-Transfer. Email money transfer to cehlhockey@hotmail.com. Put your team name in the message of the e-transfer. Send an email with your name, your team name and amount of deposit to cehlhockey@hotmail.com and your team rep.

Team Registration Information
Have everyone on your team fill out a Player Registration Form and have them register with your team name.
As a team rep you will be responsible to collect the league dues from the individual players on your team and pay the league fees set out above. The players on your team are responsible to pay their league fees to you or they can make a deposit and it will be credited to your team fees.
As a team rep you will ensure that all game sheets are signed by players who have registered with the league and assume all responsibility if the player has not registered.
Registrations are not finalized until CEHL confirms with registrant and/or full payment is received. All information submitted to the CEHL is required to accurately process a league registration and is protected by the privacy policy.
Hit SUBMIT FORM then CHECKOUT. You will receive a confirmation email if you entered an email address on this form

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