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Author TOPIC: The Sports Scene

May 30, 2006
10:09:11 PM

Entry #: 1474417

I don't know what to say about Paoli sprts recently except that it's in the decline. What inspired me to write this message was the fact that when I read that the Rams baseball team loses 22 games and aren't in probably 20 of those loses it's a shame. There was a time when boys and girls sports in Paoli were about equal. I thought I would not have seen the day where the only sport that had a winning record were the Paoli Lady Rams basketball team. Great coaches often can take crap and even though that crap my be crap make that crap look good. I think you have one coach who at the high school level can do that and the others try but don't succeed. Baseball is a sport where you can ride the glory road or root in the cellar. It's like many of the teams are taking steps back when they should be stepping forward. Too me a successful team wants more they aren't satisfied with what they've accomplished. FDor instance you win comnference you want a winning record you want a winning record you want to win sectional you win sectional you want to win regional and so on. Anymore it's like well we won some games let's get the season over with? Can't be successful that way. Unless this changes in the next few years I or any other fan might as well buy a round trip ticket cause it will be awhile to get back to the top.


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