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Author TOPIC: Panthers on Tour '08

August 7, 2007
1:10:24 PM

Entry #: 2303641

The committee have discussed the possibility of taking the team to foreign shores some time next season (as in October '08).

I'm looking for opinions, serious comments and suggestions. The only stipulation I am putting in is that we go to an NHL city and get an NHL game while we are there.

Get chatting.



August 7, 2007
6:42:12 PM

Entry #: 2304319
Have relatives in Calgary & Edmonton, so could ensure some local hospitality & games for us to play


August 8, 2007
6:21:32 PM

Entry #: 2306616
sounds good depending whether its during uni time and also if it doesn't cost a stupid amount I'll be there


August 16, 2007
10:36:28 AM

Entry #: 2320622
not much being said about this, i thought it would have generated more response!


August 16, 2007
12:14:10 PM

Entry #: 2320649
Geo, the forum has been eerily quiet all round - have all the members gone into a coma??
I am all for the Canada trip. We can plan it well in advance , so that everyone who wants to go have plenty of time to get the dosh together.
Personally, I would prefer Toronto myself - Hall of Fame, Malple Leaf Gardens, Air Canada Centre an all that!
Come on guys - lets have your thoughts. Who's interested, who's not??


August 16, 2007
2:20:32 PM

Entry #: 2320800
Am with ronnie a fancy canada


August 16, 2007
5:24:15 PM

Entry #: 2321199
I fancy anywhere bar Toronto...Have been there too many times, was there last year for 2 weeks yawn. Need to know well in advance so I can save my pennies :)


August 17, 2007
7:46:23 AM

Entry #: 2322528
I agree with Phil about Toronto, you could visit teh places Ronnie listed in about 2 hours, and then you're left with a city with less to do in than Glasgow (or Edinburgh for that matter!) Plus, Maple Leaf Gardens is being converted into a shopping mall by a pharmacy so not much to see there


August 17, 2007
10:31:49 AM

Entry #: 2322558
Prob easier to narrow down city's by the direct flights from Scottish airports?


August 17, 2007
1:34:02 PM

Entry #: 2322664
Sounds good to me, would need to know well in advance to get the hols booked from work.



August 17, 2007
9:28:36 PM

Entry #: 2323524
Sorry Guys, unlike our established, regular globe trotters, I have not been across the pond yet. So, really, any city in Canada will do me. It just occurred to me the since it's almost twice the distance to the likes of Vanvouver as it is to Toronto, the cost of flights might be considerably more. I may be wrong as I haven't checked yet, but we should be trying to keep the overall cost to a minimumfor the guys who don't have reserves in Fort Knox!


August 20, 2007
10:27:18 AM

Entry #: 2326057
direct flights from glasgow are to toronto, calgary and vancouver. flights in the region of 200quid return. ive been in contact with zoom regarding this and they will be able to do a package deal for us when we confirm exact numbers, so the location needs to be picked first. my choice would be vancouver, despite the longer flight, because on a non-hockey day, depending on weather, we can get upto whistler for some snow fun!!! plus there is the whole bay area to explore and other things that come with it besides hanging around a city all the time!!


August 20, 2007
5:18:59 PM

Entry #: 2326565
I am defo up for Canada. I was in Detroit, Toronto and New York earlier on in the year and i think Toronto is ok for hockey but somewhere else might be better. Would time of year would it be? I suggest March as fares would be relatively cheap and it wont be too cold!!


August 20, 2007
6:32:03 PM

Entry #: 2326744
October '08. Need a year at least for finances to be raised, and also the weather ain't an issue!! we play ice hockey, we are used to the cold. Plus Vancouver's weather is never that extreme!!


August 20, 2007
7:41:03 PM

Entry #: 2326925
October is that a defo?


August 20, 2007
8:58:57 PM

Entry #: 2327105
again i am with geo on this one. vancouver would be a nice option and october would give me just enough time to sell a kidny or part of my liver to finance the journey.

ps my kidny/liver will be on sale after the subcrawl, since am sure someones guna need a spair!


August 21, 2007
10:38:10 AM

Entry #: 2328038
Have we considered anywhere in the US? I know Canada is the home of the sport & all that, but sometimes it's a bit of a rip off for going to see the NHL.

Why not New York? Also means it ain't as nasty a flight as Vancouver.


August 21, 2007
11:26:37 AM

Entry #: 2328051
I was also thinking USA as it was down as an NHL city. Think we should try and stay east coast as the flight is not too long.


August 21, 2007
11:45:33 AM

Entry #: 2328064
I have a couple of contacts at MSG ... could maybe even score us some freebies, or at least a group discount.


August 21, 2007
12:14:13 PM

Entry #: 2328074
cost of flights to new york are far higher than they are for cananda, none of the main carriers are likely to do as good a group deal as zoom are for getting us to canada, although if enough folk prefer it il certainly get onto the, mostly likely option being an american carrier as BA aint interested if you aint already a worldwide superstar, and, no offence, we aint!!

October '08 is the EARLIEST time we are going, and I say the best, over a year away, loads of time to get money together and stuff organised.


August 21, 2007
12:33:44 PM

Entry #: 2328088
sorry to all you US muppets but i would much rather go to canada as there is less americans there, too many yanks makes mack an angry man plus on the days between games i cant go snowboarding in new york.....


August 21, 2007
1:14:39 PM

Entry #: 2328140
I've actually already found cheaper flights to NY than the £200 you've been saying.

Plus, Iceland Air go to NY, meaning a wee stop off at the Blue Lagoon (not the chippy on Bath St.)


August 21, 2007
2:32:10 PM

Entry #: 2328280
As long as i get extra leg room seats i dont care!


August 21, 2007
3:57:47 PM

Entry #: 2328429
the 200quid is based on economy plus there and back (more leg room and a few other perks) and a luggage allowance of 70kgs for players. if any airline can beat that il go anywhere!! dont know if i could hack a stop off tho, nothing worse than sitting around airports, and an actual stop somewhere would probably be more expensive and put folk off. If you fancy it Andy, email me and we can compare notes!! (


August 21, 2007
4:46:45 PM

Entry #: 2328534
I am going to Toronto with the Blackhawks this October for their tour and will be happy to pass on any info that could aid you in your decision on where to go as I will be doing all the sites.

I'm sure it was working out as £500 - £600 all in each for a week, flights, accomodation, most meals and car hire. Also 5 games over the week, plus a trip to Niagara.

I'm sure Brian would be more then happy to give details.


August 22, 2007
2:21:11 AM

Entry #: 2329736
The responce to this so far has not been representative of the club as a whole. Only the usual Forum jockeys are having a say. A meeting of the 'grand ensemble' will have to take place to discuss the trip and see what the overall support and preferences are. First thing in the new season would be good!


August 22, 2007
9:22:12 AM

Entry #: 2330105
its past your bed time old man i think you going a bit loco


August 22, 2007
11:08:03 AM

Entry #: 2330123
i could almost guarantee our trip would be cheaper than that too!!

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