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TOPIC: good win guys |
| thechad
August 13, 2007 9:04:10 PM
Entry #: 2315859
| Hey good win bankers. Sorry i couldnt be there. I definately lost my head last game. I apoligize for the language i used. I shouldve waited until after the game to talk to the ref. I apolized to the ref, my team, and the league for not handling the situation in a mature manner. I usaully keep a level head in those situaions. Believe it or not thati s the first red card i have ive been given since playing in this adult league. I can only assure everybody that it wont happen again. Whether i can play or not ill be there next week boys.
| Nutmeg24
August 14, 2007 8:43:07 AM
Entry #: 2316450
| Right on Chad. I don't think your retaliation was that out of line, in my opinion. Afterall you got 'cleated' from behind which is an extremely serious foul that was not seen or not ruled by the ref which most of us felt to be outrageous. Im not trying to say cussing out a player or ref is always the right resolution, but i know when an opposing player tries to take me out on the field with an illegal play instead of playing the ball, its a natural instinct to retaliate or get a li'l P.O'd! lol.
Anyway, we're going for pizza after sunday's game. so we'll see ya there :)
| classy
August 14, 2007 11:14:18 AM
Entry #: 2316877
| Hey bro,No need to apologize.If the refs was doing his job that he is being paid to do then it would have never happened.All goes back to the same thing........That paticular ref refuses to make any calls against that team or in our favor.He did the same thing again this last weekend.
| thechad
August 14, 2007 3:03:43 PM
Entry #: 2317432
| thanx for the support guys. See ya next weekend.
| badboy4
August 14, 2007 8:28:51 PM
Entry #: 2318009
| F Y I , classy please try not to badger referees. Even though it may be only 1 ref that you don't like, There are 2 referees, and we both missed the call. s#@$t happens and calls aren't made for numerous reasons. It is much easier to catch fouls with 3 referees than with 2. That will change next season.
| hobbes83
August 14, 2007 10:16:46 PM
Entry #: 2318182
| If that is the worst you do Chad, you will be okay and be welcome to play with us anytime. Just say "dang it" "darn it" and "RATS" next. LOL
See you Sunday for pizza and "beverage" at worst.
| Cowboy
August 15, 2007 12:42:31 AM
Entry #: 2318310
| hey bill, we all understand you guys only have 2 refs out there and that you are human,but come on............Missing all the calls every week.Its getting out of control.For example chad was hit hard rom behind and could have been hurt permentantly and there was no foul called.Whats his excuse for that?
| badboy4
August 15, 2007 9:28:40 AM
Entry #: 2318927
| He told me that right as chad was going to shot, darryl ran in front of him. He said he did not see a foul or hear it. If he had made the call, it would have on total assumption.
| dpfc
August 15, 2007 11:22:35 AM
Entry #: 2319196
| Good stuff Chad!!!!