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Author TOPIC: Rams vs. Orleans

February 3, 2008
12:36:27 PM

Entry #: 2579972
This was a game that was a county rival in front of a packed crowd nearly full house at Chambers Gymnasium....hat came down to a last second shot...the final shot too me reminded me of Trajan Langdon's attempt at a final shiot in the 1999 NCAA Championship Game against UCONN...the game went back and forth no team really had the chance to stretch it out Poali controlle dmost of the game untril the 4th quarter when they really didn't fall apart as to not hit the shots that they were gettin earlier...and foring some bad shots...this game will also be rememebred for Drew White gettin 3 fouls uin the first half and also getting a ood old fashioned headbutt in it kinda reminded me of when Dennis Rodman headbutted the ref some years back he was either headbutting the player or bowing to the greater power but that's then and over with...the other parts of the game were a classic you had Orleans tryin to chase they would get a lead only for The Rams rto answer them to go up by a point the Smith kid form Orleans wasn't really working to hard to get opne and he forced osme shots but when he realized that he jus needed to do a certain thing he did and atcually jiust hit some big 3's...Stroud did a nice job I thought he would be more impressive with post moves and etc. but maybe I was hoping for too much now as for The Rams they played a great game if you want too look at it that way exceot the 4th quarter seemd like they were lost at some points Laswell was the only one too me who looked like he was under control and understood what to do when to do it..i just wish Drew White had some oif Laswell's at the end of the game whebn he forced the last 3 he would get off and the shot he was tryin to create but an Orleans player just reached in and batted the ball away and stole it I just don't understanbd why he would stand there for so many seconds and walk right into trouble almost walked into the deadman's corner if White had the court vision and undertood how to score and when to score he could be one helluva player but at some point he just fires up a shot that just makes you think "what the hell was that?"...another thing is he doesn't have a second move what I mean by that is he will either drive and pull up for a 15 footer or shoot a 3-pointer there's none of that drive hard to the basket get fouled go to the drive and kick nothin like that which I think hurts him and his team...anyway the Rams lose both games this weekend but there's more to be played they can learn form these losses and improve and hopefuilly great things willcome...



February 3, 2008
4:34:18 PM

Entry #: 2580235
Shizz, you guys got a good ball club but I gotta say you got some nuts sitting up in the stands. I watched your team play at Brownstown on Saturday night and it was pathetic how much they (the fans) argued every call. Someone needs to tell them when you have a 6'6 player going up for an offensive board against a 5'10 player, it IS possible to get a rebound and not go over the back, especially when the guy is standing about 1 foot from the basket. You can't penalize a kid just because he's taller and Brownstown definitely had some tall kids. Also, if you take a look up on the wall at Brownstown you will notice that they have received three "Sportsmanship" awards in the past four years since they've been giving it out. Matter of fact, less than 10% of all the schools in Indiana have won this 3 times or more. I just gotta wonder by the behavior of your fans how many Paoli has hanging in their gym? I have no complaints against your team. They played well, and were aggressive and neither team played dirty, but I would be embarrassed by some of your fans. Every school's fans have a few loonies that you have to wonder about but they brought them all out that night!

BTW, I like your website. It's a shame that more people don't get on your forum.


February 4, 2008
6:13:25 PM

Entry #: 2581941
The over the back calls are always tricky....if you look at it one wayt if the refs call the ver the back one time then the calls will get trickyu and get unexpected....with me I would want the calls not call unless they are so Stroud did at times last Friday...

I don't really mind if people get on here or post a message or not i'm more interested in them actaully gong through the website and looking at things etc. I think of it as a plus isf they looks at the forum...anyway i'm done.



February 5, 2008
7:39:40 AM

Entry #: 2582753
Well, you do have a nice site. But you also have a good team and people ought to be talking it up.

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