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Author TOPIC: Looking Ahead to Mater Dei

March 9, 2008
3:22:11 PM

Entry #: 2646371
Well The Rams set here again one win away from going bakc to the Final Four of Class win away from anoither Semi-State appearence what stands in the way?...a solid Mater Dei team with a little bit of size I watched a little bit of Mater Dei vs. South Knox and I was a little dissapointed in the fact that I thought Mater Dei's tall players (Hassler and Williams) would be more of point forward types...more ball handlers ect. but from what I did see I seen a way to beat them and that is use speed to take down the size unless Hassler can run the court like Michael Johnson running the 200 meters I don't see much speed out of him another plus if you're lookin form the Rams side is that they don't have really any solid post moves that wow you...the Groth kid at 6'5" did what both of those players did....with that said Tri-West and Mater Dei play similar style sin that they play a draw and kick game if you shut that down then it comes to predictable with the inside out game...if The Rams make their shots they're isn't much Mater Dei can do one thing the Rams need to do is han around if they do get behind earlier I think hat hurt South Knox was that they went about 3 or 4 possesions that they rushed afew jumpers and Mater Dei knocked down some 3's to stretch out the lead another positive is that Mater Dei's players are set shooters which can help you out in the fact that there's not alot of screening and shooting or shooting off of a pick and roll with beinf undersized with what the rams will be in thisgame you can draw the 2 big sequoyas out and make them guard a little form the perimeter some peopel may think that The rams don't have a chance but I didn't see anything that will make Mter Dei look the New Albany from 1994 or Jeffersonville form 1993 they're a solid team that can dominate but it depends who show sup to see if they will dominate also if you're a Rams fan you're lookin at it like they scored 51 you scored 78 so you kno you can push the tempo up a little...nd getting the big boys a runnin...anyway if the Rams play as a team...don't lose their mindset I think they can's going to be interesting...


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