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Author TOPIC: Rams vs. Austin

December 20, 2008
3:17:36 PM

Entry #: 3018593
Another game The Rams had won but end up losing on a miracle shot...This was a game where too me you were thinking "how are The Rams still in the lead" they looked a step slow all night seemed like only Smith and Laswell wanted to be aggressive and it only seemed like Laswell and Springer brought their shooting hand with them...I think a good thing about losing 2 close games this season is that you had them beat and it wasn't like you were fighting to get the lead then got the lead and lost the lead...this game was a simple as to when they were up by 6 or 8 just make that run to put the game away The rams never did and ultimately lost the game on a moracle that kid made that 70 footer at that angle is still stunning too if you look at the next few games The Rams might have a rough few games....


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