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August 5, 2009
9:19:18 AM

Entry #: 3236634
Arent you guys going to do a padcast before playoffs? Get with it.


August 5, 2009
9:55:05 AM

Entry #: 3236672
Hold your horses Francis. Patience is a virtue or something like that.


August 5, 2009
9:56:13 AM

Entry #: 3236674
And "padcast" sounds like I'm either bass fishing or someone from Boston who is trying to say "podcast."


August 5, 2009
10:16:40 AM

Entry #: 3236693
Shut up your face you... face shutter


August 5, 2009
10:12:28 PM

Entry #: 3237518
I was actually wondering if you guys were thinking of putting another one on before the WBAs, too...

I'm looking forward to uploading it onto my iPAD


August 6, 2009
8:50:05 AM

Entry #: 3237801
Ohhhh Minor has jokes now. Boy that whole "Let's get it on" is quite great but I want the freakin podcast!


August 6, 2009
10:02:04 AM

Entry #: 3237909
The Padcast Podcast will available tomorrow morning. Due to limited studio time Derc and I were not able to lock down some time until tonight.

It shall be a happy Friday.


August 7, 2009
1:58:37 PM

Entry #: 3239366
Where is the podcast? Am i just not seeing it?


August 7, 2009
2:15:38 PM

Entry #: 3239390
This is the ploy, keep you all coming back just wanting more, waiting for it, wanting it....

Sorry, I was out for a few days this week.

Soon though.


August 7, 2009
2:38:39 PM

Entry #: 3239420
Boring Friday.... I am singing a song called "Promises, Promises"

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