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Author TOPIC: coach

February 5, 2011
10:22:14 PM

Entry #: 3649743
We all knew it was goin to be a long year but im tired of watching the coach sit on the bench and give up on the kids game after game.And there is some kids who make mistakes and get cursed at and others can make mistake after mistake and is not treated the same way im not against yelling at the kids when they mess up as long as all kids are treated equal and its not happening.These kids deserve a coach who respects them and treats all players the same.


February 14, 2011
2:09:04 PM

Entry #: 3653962
You must be sitting in the same seat I'm in. Some of the kids get verbally trashed EVERY game while others never have a word said to them. Not a great approach to building a team. And besides all that. I'm not convinced the guy can coach.

small town boy

February 14, 2011
9:53:08 PM

Entry #: 3654280
The best coach for the program is coaching the girls


February 15, 2011
6:47:57 AM

Entry #: 3654374
There and Crawford County. Thanks to small town politics.


February 15, 2011
5:27:17 PM

Entry #: 3654903
My only problems right now with the coaching his how on offense in the halfcourt there aren't multiple sets ran to see what will work or not seems like it's always one thing and that's it kinda reminds me of the last Paoli Coach...then on JV the Coach if you ever watch a game there will come a point where he will worry more about how the refs are calling the games whether it be fouls...travels...over the back...than to worry about how to get the team to win...Then you have the assistant coaches who look like they are watching paint dry or grass grow with one assistant giving the good ol' clap that sounds like a shotgun being fired or Sea Biscuit walking from the stables to the starting gates....

You're not goin to win at Paoli or be successful at Paoli when the Girls Team is winning using a certain offense that Brown used and still uses...people here are used to winning a certain way and they have seen it so long that any other way for any other coach you're going to have to win them over with somethin else and it's a tough thing to do...

I would also like to not jump in because the boat would flip over but carefully step into the boat about Brown and Dusty bein the 2 best coaches to pull the Rams Boys Basketball Off Life Support and Breath Some New Life into the program



February 16, 2011
6:39:55 AM

Entry #: 3655240
The sad thing is, I'm talking about simple stuff. I have saw games this year that when to other team presses, we look as if we have no idea what to do. I really don't think we do. And zone defense just totally mezmeirses us. We pass aimlessly areound the perimiter until we throw it away without ever flashing anyone to the post.I am not a coach and have no desire to be. I do know a little about how the game is supposed to be played and I'm not convinced I have saw it this year.On a side note. We are not very good and would have won MAYBE a couple more games with better coaching. But I would just like to see the game played right.


February 16, 2011
8:36:30 AM

Entry #: 3655267
While I am not a die-hard paoli fan I have been an avid basketball fan for many years and am able to see many different games in the area each year. I have been able to make it to a few of the paoli games this year, mostly to watch the really good teams they face, but I hope that I may offer some words that will offer some insight from a casual observer...
First, from what I have been told paoli is playing one of its toughest varsity schedules ever with a team that in an ideal situation would be still playing jv. With that in mind I think that it's amazing paoli was in as many games as they were throughout this season...and they've still got a chance for some wins before its done.

Second, I understand that some young coaches get to worried about refs and other things, but when you have a jv team made up of pretty much all freshmen and are anywhere near .500 then I think its to say he doesn't know how to win or isn't worried about it. And if you think one coach is too animated but other coaches aren't enough, what are you looking for?

Third, and last, I think the real question is why did it take until now to realize that some of the players are so far behind on their basketball skills...I have heard many people say that this is due to the previous coaching staff and the youth of the program, but last time I checked it doesn't take a coach to put a ball in the kids hands over the summer and do dribbling drills or shoot as much as possible.

I really enjoy this forum, as well as others that discuss indiana basketball, and while I am not big on posting I wanted to offer some of my thoughts to you fans going through a VERY tough season. I know it is easy to get frustrated and completely understand your feelings, but don't jump off this ship just yet because it will be all the more embarrassing when you have to jump back on in a year or two. There are brighter days ahead, just hang in there ram fans.


February 18, 2011
5:25:07 PM

Entry #: 3657142
Yeah the only sad part is that the team is 1-15 if they had 5-7 wins everybody wouldn't be talkin about how bad this or that is...i'll sit back and laugh when they time comes that The Rams have a good record again and you will see people you haven't seen since the last winning stretch...



February 20, 2011
6:31:49 PM

Entry #: 3657788
I'll have to admit to being one of those fair weather fans this year.I've only been to 4 games. The Mitchell and Pekin games weren't too bad to watch but the West Washington and Orleans games were hard to take. I've been going to games all over (like I always do) but I still always keep checking up on the boys. I still see some bright spots on this team and think that they will be much more competitive down the road. They're just not where I thought they would be from a maturing standpoint at the end of the season. It sure would be sweet to see the Rams upset somebody who overlooks them in the sectional because we all know they're going to. I think the kids would just like to get this regular season over with and start a new one in the post season. We'll see. Good luck to the Rams in the sectional.


February 23, 2011
10:01:47 PM

Entry #: 3660665
Napoleon: You Old War Horse I have been wondering where you have been all year? I thought The Rams' record was so bad you were joining the others who gave up on them this season....


February 28, 2011
10:55:20 PM

Entry #: 3664395
No, I haven't given up on the Rams....but I have stepped away to go watch some more competitive games this season. I was hoping the Rams would have drawn Austin or possibly Clarksville for the sectional but Brownstown is not a good draw for anybody, especially Paoli. I won't make it to the sectional this year. I'm going out to San Diego to see my son graduate from Marine boot camp. I'll get back Sunday and find out how our sectional went. Keep us posted Shiz, or anybody else for that matter. GO RAMS!!!

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