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Author TOPIC: The Beatdown by Brownstown

February 6, 2011
3:46:47 PM

Entry #: 3649893
This game was a game that was awful to watch a game in which The Rams quit...gave up...stop competing...didn't care didn't give any effort after the 1st get beat 94-33 and not one single person on the team at one point stood up and said "enough of this crap we're goin to make them earn it" nope it was like watching the NBA All-Star game no defense open shooters no fighting for a rebound no guarding the 3-point line...I think Brownstown ripped out The Rams' heart threw it on the ground and stomped all over of the problems on the team is that they are young but the leaders they look to who have success any other sports don't carry that over to the basketball team...Andry I think he's just out there to earn a varsity letter for basketball you see him by the way he plays not care about anything win lose or anything a football player who has had success in that sport can't carry a winning attitude or anything over to basketball it's stupid...have never seen a football player who can lay a big hit on the football field shy away from contact or little shoving or bumping around on the basketball court...he might be better off being a lift person for the cheerleading squad...Sanders is the same way when he's out there he adds nothin to that team always watch him and he has the "deer in the headlights look" another football player who is 220+ pounds and doesn't want to use that size and strength and get physical inside or fight for rebounds or anything plays soft don't know how you can be physical in one sport and be soft in another one...It's one thing to quit but too me it's another thing to humiliate your school by getting beat down that bad those basketball banners on the wall were hung there by players who wouldn't quit who were not afraid to get physical not afraid to win or in a way you piss on the tradition of those teams players and the Paoli Rams Basketball Tradition by giving me what's even worse is the fact that them getting their asses handed to them you don't see them getting pissed off at losing and maybe shwoing effort or at least compete they give up... i'm just hoping somethin lights a fire under their ass so they can at least win 1 more game this season...



February 6, 2011
5:56:35 PM

Entry #: 3649934
I dont agree with everthing you said shizz but the part about andry you are right on he brings nothing to the floor he is just taking a spot away from other kids who do care and could use the experience.the part about the kids giving up starts with the coach and he has give up on them several games this year.

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