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Author TOPIC: Whats the Call

April 4, 2011
8:41:07 AM

Entry #: 3692354
Runner on 1st and 3rd, full count on batter. Runner on 1st is stealing and batter swings and misses the ball. Catcher drops the ball and the batter takes off for first. Catcher picks up the ball and throws to first to make the play on the batter runner. Whats the call?

Opa Ump

April 4, 2011
9:46:06 AM

Entry #: 3692425
If there is less than 2 outs, first base would be considered occupied and the batter would be out on the strikeout. Runner reaching second safely would be credited with a stolen base. If there are 2 outs, the batter runner would be the third out if the play was made, and that half inning would be over. If the play was not successful, everyone safe, next batter.


April 4, 2011
11:56:28 AM

Entry #: 3692624
My mistake, 0 outs. But I seem to disagree with you. With the batter runner running to first after striking out would be interference. Here is the definition of Interference. An act (Physical or Verbal)by a memeber of the team at bat who illegally impedes, hinders or confuses any fielder with or without the ball, in or out of the baseline. So by running to first base after striking out the batter is trying to confuse the catcher. This is interference!


April 5, 2011
7:35:29 PM

Entry #: 3694351
If a lawyer read this passage in the book you might have a case of interference on the retired batter runner and an out on the closest runner to home, which would be runner at third base.
One,the umpire could have verbally called the batter out, taking the confusion out of the play. I would not have called interfernce because I would then have been bias for the defense. The right call is no interference on the retired runner.


April 6, 2011
9:11:15 PM

Entry #: 3695303
We live in a lawsuit happy world. I would like to speak to a judge and hear his/her answer. You assume you are giving the defense the advantage by calling the interference. If you don't call Interference you are giving the offense the advantage. You are telling the offense to always run down to first no matter what on strike 3. The only time they should run down to first is if first base is unoccupied or 2 outs.


April 7, 2011
12:15:39 PM

Entry #: 3695744
just noticed a huge discussion on this same topic on the federation website. Here is the link if anyone wants to read about it. I am still sticking to my opinion


April 7, 2011
10:56:30 PM

Entry #: 3696415
Runner merely running to first base as a retired runner does not necessarily mean interference has occured. Runner must actually interfere with a play on another runner. If runner going to first is struck by the thrown ball which interferes with a play or prevents F-3 from making a play,e.g.,collides with her, then interference shall be ruled.

Opa Ump

April 8, 2011
9:04:12 AM

Entry #: 3696562
Currently this topic is handled different in ASA and Federation. Federation currently is not pleases with the rule due to too many conflicts with interpretation. It also can reward the defense for a poorly played ball. They are hoping to clarify the rule, but it will not happen till next year. As per the state mechanics interpreter, If a situation is present to allow the batter to run on a dropped third strike, they want the plate ump to announce forcible that the batter is out on the dropped third strike. While this is not a very well liked mechanic it is to be used as a form of preventive umpiring. If the runner still runs, common sense has to come into play. In ASA it is as Hank has stated, and ASA has the opinion that the catcher as well as the batter should know the count. The Umpire is there to officiate the game not coach.


April 8, 2011
9:45:26 PM

Entry #: 3697281
just noticed this topic is being discussed on the highschool forums at

I agree the umpire should forcibly state batter is out. Anything that happens after that is fair game.

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