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Author TOPIC: after two games
Ram fan

December 5, 2011
10:06:31 AM

Entry #: 3847025
I had a chance to watch the Rams on Saturday vs. Lanesville, but didn't get to see the Mitchell game. Right now the Rams have working for them what they didn't last year and that is some confidence. The early games last year were close but confidence dropped with each loss. This year, the games are not as close yet and the Rams have come out on top, which can really help on the confidence part of the game. Expecting to win vs. hoping to win is a big step.

As far as the Mitchell game, I thought that the team has shown a more team oriented offense while keeping up the quick pace. I thought the defense was pretty good, even though Lanesville is not as strong offensively as they have been in the past. Getting the big guy for them in foul trouble was a big aspect to the game which allowed the Rams to build a bit of a lead in the first half.

Yes, the third quarter was a let down, but anyone who follows basketball knows that teams in these situations will make a run at you. What is encouraging is that the Rams weathered the storm and held their composure in building a winning run at the end of the game. That is something they could not accomplish last year.

For me, the play of the game came with a few minutes left in the game and Lanesville still in striking distance, and Paoli ran their offense patiently. A post pass came in to Eubank and he made a GREAT pass to Key for an easy layup. That is the type of play that will win more games for Paoli this year.

As a matter of fact, I think Eubank is the player of the game. He was solid, consistent and hit some big baskets... let alone the big assist near the end.

Good start. Be interesting to see how the matchup goes this week with WW. They are big inside which could present WW with problems in keeping up the pace if Paoli decides to press and push the ball. It's all how you look at it... I'm sure Paoli will not want to get in a slow grinding game of inside baskets.


December 5, 2011
5:33:36 PM

Entry #: 3847324
I agree The Rams looked have looked impressive so far in the 2-0 start I think if they would've made a basket against Lanesville in the 3rd when they were up by 10 they win would've been by a larger margain they just missed the kill shot opportunity...I hop they keep the "Redeem Team" Mentality throughout the season Nice game by Eubank he impressed me...i'm just waiting to hear the Orleans fans start to growl the longer in the season the wins keep coming for The Rams


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