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Author TOPIC: This Year's Rams Remind Me Of A Duke Team

December 6, 2012
4:08:46 PM

Entry #: 4020659
I say that because if you look at how the team is nade up of and play you would think it's Duke instead of the Paoli Rams I mean Duke if you go back from current day of Brian Kelly all they way back to their first championship days of Grant Hill had that Forward who could shoot outside or drive inside or be more of a "Point Forward" type of player a point guard who could be in control of the game and can score 15 points and not anyone realize it in the Chris Duhon Bobby Hurley and somewhat Jay Williams would do would kinda be like what Tanner and Lee Wroblewski would do then you have Skyler Stroud who can get hot like J.J. Redick from the outside Tanner and Garrett Strange remind me of Mike Dunleavy Jr and Kyle Singler guys who are tall long arm and who are somehow open (in Garrett's case) by the 3-point line then you have Bosley in the middle who plays the role of Carlos Boozer not asked to score alot but asked to rebound and play good defense inside this season should be a good one hope I don't speak too soon and jinx myself the bright side is it took Dusty in his first season 3 games what it took Harrell nearly an entire season to do that is win 2 games

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