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Author TOPIC: Rams vs. Corydon

January 26, 2013
12:40:07 PM

Entry #: 4029633
Well this was an interesting game The Rams started out the 1st Quarter on a 6-0 run to start the game but then they come down on 2 straight possessions and shoot back to back 3-pointers and Corydon makes a run and never relinquishes the lead and wins the game the game was actually closer than the final score indicates it was a 5 point game for the majority of the game with The Rams playing great defense and switching their defense on the fly in the halfcourt the problem this Rams team has is that it doesn't have those 4-5 players who can contribute at critical times when Tanner W. or Key aren't scoring their points there was a time in the 4th quarter where with about 2:00 left The Rams had the lead down to 3 and instead of being patient the hurry the ball downcourt and throw the ball away rebounding had it's moments gave up too many offensive rebounds but I think Kessinger inside for Corydon used his skill set to outman the Rams for offensive rebounds you know if the Rams keep up the aggressive switching defense and find a few more scorers they could be dangerous in Sectional I honestly think they are really close to being really good...BUT Bigger things are ahead and a chance to put the Dogs In The Dog Pound Friday night at Orleans might be a dog fight against Orleans should be a good rivalry game

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