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Author TOPIC: 6th Grade Rams Impressive

February 19, 2013
6:53:07 PM

Entry #: 4033944
Not to look too far into the future but i'm going to go ahead and say that when these Paoli Rams 6th Grade Boys Basketball team becomes Seniors they will have one heckuva team not only are they like 21-2 or 31-2 so far in their career but they have some talent they have a quick point guard with good ball handling skills with either hand also can crossover between the legs all the 6th grade team are quick and can handle the ball good and strong looking center they will be tough not only that but them you know in Paoli terms what is called "Doin It The Paoli Way" and as 5th and 6th graders running a halfcourt motion type offense just be on the lookout for these boys and the few grades below them in future years

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