| Tony D
September 2, 2014 6:23:45 PM
Entry #: 4143587
| The FINAL, LAST, and OOPS, YOU MISSED IT, SORRY ..FALL BALL REGISTRATIONS will be on WED 9/3, 7-9PM (TOMORROW) and SATURDAY 9/6, 10AM -12NOON. Teams are being formed this week in all Baseball & Softball Divisions. Don't miss out...the Fall Season starts Sat Sept 13th and ends on Sat November 1. Two of the best months of the year to be playing ball!! Keep your kids outside and active!! Plenty of time for indoor activities over the long cold winter ahead!! Go to www.leaguelineup.com/holbrook to download the forms or come and see us on the pation on Wed or Saturday. No more mail-ins at this point, please....