| Tony D
January 23, 2015 10:33:26 AM
Entry #: 4157234
| Just a reminder, tonight’s (Fri 1/23) GIRLS SOFTBALL CLINIC hours have been changed, as mentioned last week:
Under 9 years old: 5-6pm (will focus on basic skills) 10-11: 6-7pm (will focus on intermediate skills) 12+ 7pm-8:30pm (will focus on more aggressive/intense training)
If you have a younger child who wants to “move up” in this clinic, please attend the age appropriate time and let us know prior to practice that you wish to have your daughter attend the older aged clinics. We’ll evaluate their abilities and performance and advise you. If approved, they may stay for the second session and attend that one going forward. NOTE: This has NO impact or does not imply that your daughter will ‘play up’ during the season, just for this clinic. The changes were made to split the large group of 7-11 year olds into more age and skill appropriate categories.