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Author TOPIC: no available substitute scenario

April 18, 2015
8:54:12 AM

Entry #: 4163686
top of 11th inning game tied 2- 2.
ITB with last batter 6th in the batting order placed on second. 7th batter attempting to sacrifice runner to third is hit by pitch and is injured. Batter awarded first base but cannot continue to play because of injury. Visiting team has no available substitutes.
What is the correct ruling with player injured and not able to continue.


May 7, 2015
11:27:12 AM

Entry #: 4165889
What is the ruling here, Hank?

hank m.

May 7, 2015
9:55:32 PM

Entry #: 4165950
I actually had this game.
Ruling - player was rewarded first base because hit with pitch. Player then cannot be called out because of injury and not being able to go to first base as a runner.
Lets make ITB runner the last batter to start the inning batting 4th in the order. Player 5th in order who first batter of this inning could not continue after being awarded first base. Player who would be last batter before ITB runner 3rd in batting order is placed on first base for injured player.
Name for this new player on first is a " Temporary Runner ". This runner will be the replacement for the injured runner, until put out ,run scored or inning over. Then would become the 3rd batter in the lineup again.
I f the game continued and this injured player would be do up to bat- short handed rule would apply and this player would be called out for not being to bat in their turn of batting order.
This rule not only applies for ASA, but also NFHS.


May 9, 2015
4:31:10 PM

Entry #: 4166106
Sounds like a real mess, Hank. Do you have the Rule Book references on those for both ASA and Federation?


May 10, 2015
3:47:27 PM

Entry #: 4166190
I would also like to see the rule book references, Hank. Thank you.


May 19, 2015
8:50:59 AM

Entry #: 4167201
The previous batter not on base is allowed to replace that player as a temporary runner until she is put out, scores or the half inning ends.


May 19, 2015
11:44:55 AM

Entry #: 4167232
Might want to specify rule set then when you are asking for rulings. ASA has no such ruling I am aware of and have not seen any case plays as such. Being as this is an ASA website, people would tend to assume ASA rules.


May 20, 2015
8:15:54 AM

Entry #: 4167335
Does this rule apply to ASA?


May 20, 2015
2:06:17 PM

Entry #: 4167370
if not substitutes are available, The short handed Rule in ASA would apply here.

If the player leaving the game is a runner or batter, the runner or batter shall be declared out. When the player who has left the game is scheduled to bat, an out shall be declared for each turn at bat.


May 21, 2015
8:30:45 AM

Entry #: 4167427
Here is the ASA ruling from John Cambridge NJ UIC
Rule 4-2D player is out ....not able to return to the game.
I personally like the NFHS rule of not penalizing a player for an injury who was able to bat ,but then injured as no fault of their own.
What do you officials think about the two rules. Should player be called out, or a temporary runner for the injured player with a short handed out next turn at bat.

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