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Author TOPIC: Obstruction

May 13, 2015
11:34:14 AM

Entry #: 4166578
This just happened last night in a girls 12u softball game. Runner on first, batter hits ball over the outfielders head, runner rounds third and is tripped by the third baseman. The runner falls down and is now on third base and can't get up. The hitter arrives at third and is confused and passes the runner sitting on the base. She went back to third after I told her to. I called obstruction awarded home to the runner and kept the hitter at third. My question is if it was a potential home run could I have awarded home to the batter if they stopped because the runner in front was obstructed and injured?


May 14, 2015
5:04:26 AM

Entry #: 4166676
If you think the runner who was obstructed would have made home with out the obstruction, she gets home. The batter runner could be awarded home if in your judgement, you could award home, except in your case she passed the obstructed runner, which I believe is an an out.


May 14, 2015
8:19:21 AM

Entry #: 4166684
Frist runner scores because of the obstruction. Second runner is out because she passed the runner. If she didn't pass the runner and was "held up" because the obstruction, the second sunner would have been allowed to score, too, if in the opinion of the umpire she could have scored if the obstruction didn't occur.

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