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Author TOPIC: Oldtimer's Tournament Team
Chris Grothe

October 18, 2018
7:15:40 PM

Entry #: 4258140
Has anyone wondered about developing an Oltimer's Tournament Team?

Imagine a group of players from the current winter, summer and fall leagues picking out one or two weekends a year that would not conflict with any of the three leagues and organizing a team to go play tournaments.

It would of course be expensive, but like youth baseball the model is already there and there are ways to handle the financing, the logistics and the playing time decisions.

I remember being in an over 35 tournament in Philly about 12 years ago. The ages range from over 30 to over 60

Anyway, just wondering if it has been tried recently.

Jerry Leisher

October 20, 2018
1:15:59 AM

Entry #: 4258171
Id be interested if anyone puts a team together

Tim S

October 21, 2018
5:57:18 PM

Entry #: 4258184
If everything worked out logistically I think it would be a blast

Scott Meckley

October 24, 2018
12:05:21 PM

Entry #: 4258247
I was contacted by a gentleman in August about seeing if we'd be interested in putting a team together for an Over 40 (or might have been Over 50) tournament in October. I politely declined, telling him that our season is still underway in October but that we might be interested if there were tournaments in other months.
I know there are winter tournament in Florida, Arizona, and other states for 40+, 50+, even 60+ teams. I think it would be AWESOME if we could put a team of interested players together to go to these tournaments! Of course, cost and travel would be an issue, but we certainly have enough talented players.
If I learn of anything, I will gladly share that info with the league.

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