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Author TOPIC: Thank you message from Kevin Shea
League C

November 1, 2020
10:30:45 AM

Entry #: 4317537
To Saratoga Co-Ed Softball League:

I would like to thank Glen Mitchell for acquiring the ball fields, preparing the ball fields, and maintaining the ball fields for play. I would also like to thank Glen for working with Eric (Moe) Ovitt in collaborating to set up the tournament and the benefit on my behalf on Oct.17th. Special thanks to Nick Collins and Mike Hughes for preparing the wet field at the PBA early Saturday morning for Saturday’s play. Special thanks to the Ovitt families, Eric Ovitt and his wife Joanie, as well as Brent Ovitt and his wife Inah, for a fantastic job with the concessions and the terrific job gathering and displaying the raffle prizes. Thank you to Eric and Joanie for designing and selling the Slay for Shea T-shirts and everyone who purchased one. I would like to thank everyone who donated the great raffle prizes, and who donated their time. I would like to thank Jen Miller for making and donating her specialized donuts and thank Brian Casey for donating the popcorn machine and giving out free popcorn. I would like to thank everyone involved in making the benefit such a success, including volunteers, players, and people who came to support the cause. It was a beautiful day, a great success, and I can’t thank everyone enough for participating. The proceeds raised will greatly help with my medical expenses. I deeply appreciate on behalf of myself, Kevin Shea, and the Shea family.

Thank you,
Kevin Shea

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