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Author TOPIC: Newspaper article
Mike Richmond

October 6, 2021
3:55:12 PM

Entry #: 4344210
A story headlined,"Jupiter Senior Softball Association Seeks Players," is in the October editions of eight neighborhood newspapers that are being mailed to residents. The article includes photos of Russ Perlman and Ron Seely, both of whom underwent heart surgery previously.To access the story go to and click on "Our Papers" at the top of the page, Then select the paper and scroll through to the page of the article. 
The newspapers are:

Jupiter Ocean Mile, P10
Jupiter Spotlight, P. 3
Jupiter West, P.4
Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens, P8
PGA Community News, P18
Southern Exposure, P21
Talk of Tequesta, P13
The Shores, P4 

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