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Author TOPIC: Who gets to dress?

February 28, 2005
12:16:59 AM

Entry #: 725334
what players get to dress out for sectional from the JV this year?


February 28, 2005
1:48:11 AM

Entry #: 725373

From my estimiation(and it's only speculation) probably Harkness and Warren seing as the only numbre left is 22 and they Gold jersey's have no 22 and don't suppose the new white one's do either....but hey those who dress could change but i' going on pure speculation

side note: I used to like the days of players not dressing until sectional although that seems that has passed the past few years.

Until next time



February 28, 2005
1:51:45 AM

Entry #: 725374

forgot to mention #44 is also available so that leaves one spot for someone to least gold uniforms don't know about the white ones.



February 28, 2005
10:49:32 AM

Entry #: 725668
Hey mr. shizzy, only 12 kids can dress for sectional you genius, and let's count 'em. yep theres been 12 dressing all year.

light it up!

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