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Author TOPIC: What A Game

March 4, 2005
11:10:49 PM

Entry #: 734223
Well the rams played the best game of the year,so far, for most of the game they handled the press great. but one thing bothered me, the killer instinct. when you have a team on the ropes you don't want to let them get even a little hope. other than that they did a good job, if we hit our free throws you have a 20-25 pt win. but still it was a win.if they get on a roll,who knows, we could win sectional and regional,then look out. i thought ever since i saw this team as 5th an 6th graders, there was something special about them, and it hurt me bad to see the regular season they had, but that is over, it's tourney time. look out for the rams.


March 5, 2005
2:46:39 AM

Entry #: 734327
Yes.. What a game, what a crowd.!. How do you think we will fair against the Eastern (Green) Firebirds..??..


March 6, 2005
6:12:38 PM

Entry #: 735243
The guys did a really good job agains Eastern Greene. Im very proud of them.. They have had a good Sectional

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