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Author TOPIC: Post Sectional Thoughts

March 6, 2005
12:49:17 AM

Entry #: 735053
I come away from this sectional in disbelief how could we have lost in ways it reminds me of the 2000-2001 sectinal of how when we lost it was like parting the Red Sea cause after the game was over back then you had Paoli people just with a glazed look like (did this really happen) but too me this sectional and our team heading into sectional most reminds me of the 1994-1995 team where Jason Smith took the Rams on his back (a team that won 2 games during the regular season) and single handedly won 2 games before falling in a heartbreaker to Orleans in the finals all year long I was waiting for the "traditional Paoli run" we got spurts at times but nothing like we coulda had in the sectional in the sectional you seen the Rams of what shoulda been this season and the Rams of what was this season i'll just leave off woth this since the NCAA tournament is coming up and I remember oone Coach a few years back sayin "It's good to get to the NCAA tournament but it's great when you get to the sweet sixteen" but I have to leave with this classic Alomzo Mourning quote about getting the killer instinct and to kill a team off he said "We just have to go for the kill we have to just open up the wound and keep digging and digging until you hit the bone"

Until next time



March 6, 2005
6:50:29 PM

Entry #: 735286
Why does Joe call a timeout before our man shoots his freethrows in close games? this makes no sence to me. I never wanted to go to the bench and think about shooting those freethrows, just shoot them.


March 12, 2005
6:25:52 PM

Entry #: 746345

Just came to my mind that if we would've gotten off to the kind of start we did in the two sectinal games we had won then the season would've been totally different....although we couldn't have given up the 4-8 point runs to the other teams.



March 13, 2005
9:40:11 AM

Entry #: 746724
most of the time the other teams made runs it was off a paoli turnover. we need to work real hard this summer in handling the press. we will see a lot of it.hutslar should help in this area he is tall enough to see over the traps, providing joe plays him at the 2 or three, knowing joe he could be our power forward,or center.

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