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Author TOPIC: The Sports Scene

April 14, 2005
1:30:14 AM

Entry #: 798968

Was reading the paper and something caught my eye. And what caught my eye was the fact that how bad the baseball team is struggling. For a team that had so much promise going into the season it's just sad to look and see them struggle. Now I read on either this forum or anothr forum on how we have not enough or no talent in the school. I disagree I think that everyone is good at something. Whether it be running catching,shooting,running,passing, dribbling whatever. I think it's the mindset of an athlete that separates them from a normal player. For instance you take someone whjo thinks he's the best player to come through Paoli. And if you criticize him it will make him angry. Where as someone like me who knows i'm not great at any particular sports you tell me I'm god awful. I'll agree with you and actually amke fun of how bad I am. and I think that's what causes our sports teams to struggle because they don't have that thing of having fun but when it's game time it's all serious. It's the Pamplona Bull Run it's all fun n games running ahead of the bulls but when the bulls get too you ands you see people gettin ran over it's not so fun.

Until next time.



April 16, 2005
8:39:37 AM

Entry #: 802555

What's with the baseball team getting drilled game after game? They seem to be playing like the USA Women's Fast Pitch Softball Team against the Major League Baseball Players. I mean not to say anything bad but you can lose looking good and then you can lose looking horrible. And the baseball team has done it looking brutal. I mean the picthers are getting smacked more than the Kentucky Derby winning Horse. Not to sound so harsh but I don't know if they are even showing up to be competitive. I think I read somehwere where one of the teams they played had to take an oxygen break after one inning. because his team ran scored so many ruins it ran the breath out of them and they were starting to bretah like Secretariat at the stables. But to be serious and not to crack jokes it comes down to a few things. And that is pitchers or players in general don't watch certain pitches or players. I mean when I was growing up playing I would watch the Pujols', Helton's, Ripkens's, Gwynn's, Griffey's, of the world too see how the would adjust to certain pitches. Not only that but would watch Randy Johnson, Clemens', Pedro Martinez's, Clemen's, Madduzx',Rivera's of the world of how they would pitch or act in certain situations. I'll leave with two things cause i'm jabbering on and that is. 1. for a pitcher control of his pitches is the key and like Leo Mazzone taught is pitchers if you bust them in on their hands you can set them up on theoutside corner. and 2. as a hitter you have to know how that pitcher is going to pitch you by watching previous batters and what he's done if you have faced him before and try to get him to overthrow and kill a ball or pop your hips and inside out a ball.

Until next time.



April 22, 2005
9:19:12 AM

Entry #: 811623

It humors me I bet there are some players on the team who put on an ass load of sun tan lotion and say to themselves "Dude I bet the chicks are totally gonna dig this killer tan" haven't watched a game this year but you can't be in th outfield and let the ball go past you and say to another player "Did you see that" now I have the two perfect solutions to help the pitchers out 1. Do like Ru Baker on Major League and start remembering Playboy Playmate or Pinup Calendar's bios to help you throw the ball straight. 2. Go buy some "Wild Thing" Glasses. now if you can't hit go to an african tribes men and have him to cast a spell or something on you.



April 28, 2005
1:18:19 PM

Entry #: 820813
Maybe Paoli is losing because maybe it has a lot to do with players not working very hard. Maybe they work hard but just aren't very good. Maybe their daddies didn't teach them how to be very good. You don't hear Paoli athletes sitting around talking sports, at least not pro or college sports. What do they like to do for fun? Do they like to play ball with their friends? Do they go to the park and play touch football? Do they play wiffleball? Or do they sit around watching TV, playing playstation, fishing, or hunting the elusive mushroom? I think we have a group of guys on the way that enjoy playing ball and do it in their free time, but the guys we have right now could care less. Maybe they get burnt out in the time between their freshman year and their senior year. If that's the case, maybe we need to back up the school sports during the summer and let the play ball on their own in the summer. Maybe we ought to give them some of their summers back. Their going to be old and working on sumer soon enough, maybe we should let them play a little more. I think a kid could go to school all summer and practice something all day. In a small school like ours, with multi sport athletes, that sucks for those kids. No wonder we lose so many athletes. No wonder we can not get them to work hard. No wonder we can not win.


April 28, 2005
5:42:21 PM

Entry #: 821345

Exactly the same thing I think not only that but. I don't like how people or some people say how we have no athletes. Well everyone has a special talent at sopme sport they play. But what makes good teams great is the fact that they each know their role and do it good. I was watching Baseball Tonight on ESPN and someone said of how they Devil Rlose a lot. And it made the best comment that I could use and what the guy said was. "Maybe it's not the coach not doing his job maybe it's his players not wanting to do their job" and it explains why we aren't good in sports right now.

Until next time.


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