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Author TOPIC: Rams Toughness?

May 14, 2005
8:41:14 PM

Entry #: 846986
I was talking to Wolfie the other night and he said how he was at the park and the Bush kid was there and he said that he is a good rebounder but he's not a defender (well Wolfe done his spin moves so I doubt it was easy for him to defend) anyway he also said that he didn't do any post moves he only settled for Jumpers ala Karl Malone amnd it got me thinking of how weak the team looks if a former post player critcises you on something you could be better at I don't know it just catches me of course maybe one of a kind in the post but not to at least try something is stupid another thing I wish everyone would do is something I grw up doing and that was tipping the ball on a rebounding to a teammate or to yourself just a thought.

Until next time.


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