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Author TOPIC: New Facts about Chicago Westinghouse & Carbondale

June 7, 2005
11:36:13 PM

Entry #: 886353

Ok so I was tryung to read up on these two teams when I ran across some info. I though Michael Hermon former IU player played for Westinghouse but in fact h played for Chicago (King) but in reading up on Westimghouse I did find out that Former Illinois Guard Kiwane Garris was on the 1992-1993 team and former Louisville player/star Damion Dantzkler was n the 1992-1993 & 1993-1994 team and of course Troy Hudson was on the Carbondale Team fdrom 1993-1994 I'm goin to add those rosters to this post soon as soon as I find time.

Until next time


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