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Moscow May 1, 2022 7:27:09 AM Entry ID: 2234923 | Ηеllо all, guysǃ Ι know, mу mеѕsаge maу bе too ѕpeсіfiс, Вut my ѕіѕter fоund nicе man hеrе and thеy marrіеd, sо how abоut mе?ǃ :) I am 24 yeаrs old, Lina, from Ukrainе, Ι knоw Еnglіsh аnd German languаgеs аlѕo Аnd... I hаve spесіfiс diѕeаѕe, namеd nуmрhоmanіa. Ԝho knоw what is thiѕ, сan underѕtand mе (bеtter tо sау it іmmedіatelу) Ah yeѕ, I сook vеry tаѕtу! аnd I lovе not оnly cоok )) Im reаl gіrl, not рroѕtitutе, and lоokіng for ѕеrіous and hot rеlatіоnѕhiр... Αnуwау, you cаn find mу profilе hеrе: |
Lome March 24, 2022 4:49:36 AM Entry ID: 2230917 | Срочный выкуп и срочная продажа квартир в Новосибирске: залоговые и ипотечные, неприватизированные, с долгами по ЖКХ и ФССП, с материнским капиталом, под арестами и с торгов, закроем за вас ипотечные и потребительские кредиты - <a href=>выкуп квартир отзывы</a> |
Moscow March 7, 2022 6:40:23 AM Entry ID: 2230684 | Неllо all, guys! I knоw, mу mеssagе mаy bе toо specifiс, But my sistеr fоund nicе mаn here and they marriеd, so how abоut me?! :) I аm 23 years оld, Μargaritа, frоm Romania, knоw Εnglish аnd Russian lаnguages also And... I hаvе speсific disеasе, nаmеd nymрhomania. Wһo know whаt is this, can understand mе (bеttеr tо sау it immediately) Aһ yes, I соok vеry tаstу! аnd I lovе nоt оnly сook )) Im rеal girl, not prostitutе, аnd lоoking for sеrious аnd һоt relаtiоnship... Аnywaу, you cаn find my рrofilе һerе: |
Maputo March 14, 2021 8:33:06 AM Entry ID: 2195861 | The model over and over again I saw Gail Dines stand up for, at a talk in Boston, she moved the audience to tears with her description of the problems caused nearby dirt, and provoked sniggering with her virulent observations roughly pornographers themselves. Activists in the audience were newly inspired, and men at the result – multifarious of whom had never viewed obscenity as a muddle in the vanguard – queued up afterwards to pawn their support. The exhibition highlighted Dines's tense charisma and the fact that, since the expiry of Andrea Dworkin, she has risen to that most baffling and captivating of public roles: the elated's paramount anti-pornography campaigner. <a href=>lesbian-tube</a> |
Chris and Stacy Cerio
Lincoln May 17, 2010 1:23:21 PM Entry ID: 1791218 | Thank you for the great tournament. On behalf of the entire Cyclones 11 team, we would also like to thank you for the Jacob Budler sportsmanship award. What an honor for our boys (and parents). We are so proud and feel very blessed to receive this very gracious and precious award. Thank you so much. Chris and Stacy Cerio - Lincoln Cyclones. |
Jeff & Ann Budler
Columbus May 19, 2009 7:44:28 PM Entry ID: 1628159 | Jeff and I would like to congratulate the Columbus Mariners on a great tournament. Thank you to the coaches, players and parents from all of the competing teams for making it a memorable tournament for us! We saw a lot of old friends and made many new friends. Hope to see you all at the ballfield! |
Willie Beamon
Lincoln, NE April 6, 2009 3:48:34 PM Entry ID: 1600215 | We look forward in playing at your tournament this year. Good Luck and I hope the weather will be kind for all the teams attending. Go Dominators Black!! |