Garvin-Murray OK Kids Rules
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Garvin-Murray OK Kids Rules
Subscribe to our NewsletterGarvin-Murray OK Kids Important Information
The team registration link is at Before you begin the registration process you will need the following information:
1. League Name: Garvin-Murray OK Kids
2. Name and Contact information of League
President: Mike Arie;
1005 N. Willow;
Pauls Valley; 73075;
3. Team Name
4. Name of Head Coach
5. Head Coach contact information
6. All necessary information for each player (Legal name, birthdate, physical address, school)
7. Credit card to pay $25 registration fee.
Baseball and Softball Team Registration fee - by April 15
Baseball and 6U Tee Ball league qualifiers reported – June 10
Baseball and 6U T-Ball at large bids – June 10
Softball league qualifiers – June 18
Softball at large bids – June 18
Baseball regionals (8U, 10U, 12U) – June 20-25
Softball State – June 21-25
Baseball State (6U, 8U, 10U, 12U) = June 26-30
2024 Garvin-Murray Dates
Preseason Pool play games: April 13
Season Start Date: Monday, April 15
Softball end of season: June 3-8
Baseball end of season: June 3-8
End Date: Softball June 8
Baseball June 8
End of Season Tournament Sites: JUNE 3-8
8-U Coach-pitch Girls: SULPHUR 8-U Coach-Pitch Boys: PAULS VALLEY
10-Under Girls: WYNNEWOOD 10U Boys: DAVIS
12-under Girls: ELMORE CITY 12U Boys: STRATFORD
Web sites:
Coaches must report scores and pitching where necessary.
Log-in to the baseball or softball website. Click on schedules in the left tab. Click on report scores. That will take you to a log-in screen. Make sure that you are clicked on the right division. The password will be whatever league you are playing in
T-Ball – Password is t-ball
Boys 8-under (coach pitch) password is 8-under
Girls 8-under (machine pitch) password 8-under
Boys 10-under (peewee) password is 10-under
Girls 10-under password is 10-under.
Boys 12 under (midget) password is 12-under
Girls 12-under password is 12-under
Rain outs will be posted between 4 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. the day of the game on the softball and baseball websites. Do not call coordinators, league president, other coaches or the Pauls Valley Rec Center to ask about games. If someone from your team continues to call then if games are rained out then the game will become a forfeit from that team.
OK Kids Rule Changes and Recommendations and Footnotes From annual board meeting for the 2024 season.
Constitution and By-Laws Garvin-Murray County
OK Kids Leagues
Article 1 – Name
1-1 This organization shall be known as the Garvin Murray County OK Kids League.
1-2 The League President is in charge of all correspondence between the OK Kids Association and the Garvin and Murray County Leagues. He must work with the Board of Directors to secure all necessary paperwork to insure the league's continued participation in the OK Kids Association. His duties also include notification of the Board of Directors of all league meetings, preside over these meetings and distribute rules and schedules. He will appoint a league secretary and a vice president.
1-3 The Board of Directors will consist of 2 representatives (1 for softball and 1 for baseball) from each town with the Garvin and Murray County Leagues.
The Board of Directors shall vote on any rule changes prior to the start of the season at the annual league meeting, held in February after the OK Kids annual state meeting. A majority vote will pass a proposal. In case of a tie, the League President shall break the tie. The Board of Directors shall rule on situations during the season that are not covered by written rules, if it deems necessary.
1-4 Each town is responsible for setting up its own governing body.
Each town will be responsible for securing coaches in all age classifications, collection and payment of all league fees, collection of rosters, contract cards and proof of age documents. They will also be responsible for umpires for home games and field maintenance and preparation.
Article 2 – Players and Teams
2-1 Each player must live or attend a school within the boundaries of Garvin and Murray Counties to be eligible to play in this league.
2-2 Anyone wanting to participate in this league that does not live within the boundaries must first be OK'd by the Board of Directors.
Releases are no longer required for players that are not eligible for a team under the school or residence rule. To be eligible for a team, a player must play for a team where he/she attends school or a team nearest his/her residence. That part of the rule stays the same. However, instead of being allowed three players requiring releases, a team may have up to three “at large” players that do not meet the school/residence rule. The “at large” players do not require releases as in the past, but they must reside in the county of the team or a contiguous county. In other words, the “at large” players do not need a release, but they must come from the team’s county or an adjoining county.
Players will be classified as follows:
A: 8-Under boys and girls: Cannot be 9 years old prior to January 1 of the current year.
B: 10-Under Boys and Girls: Cannot be 11 years old prior to January 1 of the current year.
C: 12-Under Boys and Girls: Cannot be 13 years old prior to January 1 of the current year.
2-4 If a player moves up an age classification and plays one game he will not be allowed to move back down at any point in the season.
2-5 Teams may have no more than 18 players on their roster.
2-6 Independent teams are not allowed in the Garvin-Murray League. All teams must sign up through their respective towns and follow the rules of that town, the Garvin-Murray rules and the OK Kids Rules.
Article 3 - Coaches
3-1. Managers and coaches are responsible for the following:
A. They are to conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner in dealing with umpires, opposing coaches, players and fans.
B. They are to control the conduct of their players and fans.
C. They are to be knowledgeable of the game of baseball, its rules and coaching methods.
D. The use of tobacco is prohibited while on the playing field or in the dugout.
E. Profanity or use of alcoholic beverages will not be allowed. Any manager or coach under the influence of alcohol on the playing or practice field will lose their team for the remainder of the season.
F. All coaches must pass a background check through their town before they will be allowed to coaches in the Garvin-Murray league. (Background checks are located at under the coach’s tab)
G. Coaches must present a pass at the gate to be admitted into the facility without paying. The pass is only good for the pass holder and not his entire family. Anyone saying they are a coach but not having a pass will be charged accordingly.
Article 4 - Conduct
4-1. Coaches will be held responsible for the conduct of their players, fans as well as their own actions at all times. Violations may result in automatic suspensions.
4-2. Any coach or manager thrown out of any game will be suspended for the game they are ejected from and the next played league game. Any coach or manager thrown out twice during a season will be suspended for the rest of the year.
4-3. Any player thrown out of any game will be suspended for the remainder of that game and their next played league game.
4-5. Any coach, manager, player or scorekeeper refusing to leave after an ejection will cause his/her team to forfeit that game.
4-6. All persons ejected MUST leave the ballpark.
4.7 Social Media
These Guidelines apply to all participants within the Garvin-Murray OK Kids Association and its sports leagues that create or contribute to any type of social media, Examples, twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.
Our goal is to ensure participation in social media that involves GM OK Kids is conducted with respect and safeguards confidential information of our participants.
A. Postings should not disclose any information that is confidential or disclose information to individuals, volunteer parents or children.
B. Do not post negative comments or pictures regarding any aspect of Youth Sports. This includes but it not limited to coaching, officiating, parents, staff or participants.
C. Comments that are posted that can be construed as harassment or bullying will not be tolerated.
Failure to comply with guidelines may result in removal form the Garvin-Murray OK Kids Association. All concerns regarding any aspect of the GM OK Kids should be immediately brought to the attention of the Garvin-Murray OK Kids President or the Garvin-Murray OK Kids Board members. Removal will be determined by Garvin-Murray OK Kids Board.
Article 5 – Umpires
5-1. Each town is responsible for supplying at least one certified/registered umpire for each game. If the umpire doesn’t show and if both teams agree a non-certified umpire can be used, the coaches from both teams must sign both team scorebooks. If both teams do not agree to a non-certified umpire, then the game will be canceled and rescheduled for another date.
5-2. The home plate umpires shall have complete charge of the game. He shall have the authority to dismiss any spectator, player, coach or manager from the game. Any player, spectator or coach that is ejected from a game they miss the rest of that game plus the team’s next game. A second offence person misses the rest of that game plus the next three games. A third offense and said person is done for the season. An appeal may be made to the board of directors of the League but must be done within a 24 – hour period.
5-3. Umpires are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that will display the knowledge of baseball or softball rules and fair play. Profanity or drinking of alcoholic beverages will not be permitted. The Board of Directors will automatically suspend any umpires suspected of being under the influence of alcoholic beverage pending investigation. Smoking will be allowed, but only during breaks between games and outside the playing fields. (This includes chewing tobacco or dipping). Umpires can expect to receive fair treatment from coaches, players and fans. They shall have full support from the Board of Directors.
5-4. Umpires will be expected to have a good working knowledge of baseball or softball rules and the mechanics of good umpiring.
5-5. Umpires shall report any major disturbances, protest by managers or question regarding their duties to the town coordinator in the city they are calling in. The coordinator shall in turn report to the League President and then to the Board of Directors.
5-6. Any questions regarding the abilities of any umpires shall be handled by the head umpire and Board of Directors. Should any questions arise, they must be submitted in writing to the board.
5-7. Umpires will be guaranteed pay for one game providing the game started and then was postponed by rain. If the second game is postponed by the first game’s postponement, no money will be paid for the second game.
5-8. If a forfeit occurs, the umpires will be paid. However, they must be assigned to a field and umpire in order to earn their umpire fee (scrimmage if necessary).
5-9. If the umpire has been notified that a game(s) has been canceled, no umpire fee (s) will be paid for the game(s).
5-10. Both managers must meet with the plate umpire immediately before the game time to discuss home team ground rules.
5-11. Certified Umpires will be paid the following: $50 across the board. Non-Certified will be paid $25.
Article 6 – Games
6-1. Games must start promptly at the time that is shown on the schedule. Teams will be allowed a fifteen (15) minute grace period. Otherwise, the game will be forfeited.
6-2. No infield practice will be permitted after the scheduled game time.
6-3. The second game of two (2) scheduled league games must start within fifteen (15) minutes after completion of the first game. No infield practice will be permitted between games, unless the first game is completed early, then equal time will be allowed for practice.
6-4. The pitcher will be allowed to throw a maximum of six (6) warm-up pitches to start each inning. Then play must start immediately.
6-5. League Coordinators have the final decision as to whether the diamond is in conditions for play in case of inclement weather. Coordinators shall make every effort to notify the league president by 4 p.m. if conditions are such that the game cannot be played as scheduled. ALL CANCELLATIONS WILL BE POSTED ON THE LEAGUE WEBSITE. DO NOT CONTACT LEAGUE COORDINATORS OR THE LEAGUE PRESIDENT ABOUT CANCELLATIONS. In case of a conflict on playing conditions, the local league president will make the final decision.
6-6. If you miss a game because of weather please contact your coordinator with a time suitable for you to make up the game, Saturday and Sunday afternoons are always an option. They will get with your opponent’s coordinator and set up a game. If one of the teams does not show up for this game after agreed time was set, it is a forfeit.
6-7. Official baseball rules, OK Kids and ASA rules will be observed. Any technical infraction by the pitcher will be warned by the umpire before a penalty is imposed. The manager of the player will also be informed.
6-8. Each home team shall furnish a minimum of two (2) new game balls for each game. Balls will be tournament quality.
6-9. Complete team roster(s) and league dues must be submitted to the League President on or before the preseason tournament of current year. Any team that does not have their rosters in on the due date will pay a twenty-dollar ($20.00) penalty.
6-10. League dues are seventy-five dollars ($75.00) per team.
6-11. Games can end in a tie after time limits have been exhausted. (Regular season only) Tournament play must play until we have a winner.
6-12. An on-deck batter will be allowed to warm-up in the opposing teams warm-up circle for safety issues (i.e. If your team is in the third base dugout and a left-handed batter is at the plate, the on-deck batter may switch to the first base dugout warm-up circle. If your team is in the first base dugout and a right-handed batter is at the plate, the on-deck batter may switch to the third base dugouts warm-up circle.).
6-13. Each player is required to have a number on their uniform.
6-14. A team may start with no less than seven (7) players. Any team that starts a game with less than nine (9) players the number missing shall count as automatic outs when it comes their time at bat. If a team starts a game with less than nine (9) players and a player arrives late, the team can insert the player at the start of the next inning.
6-15. All teams will play nine (9) and bat nine (9). 8U teams may opt to bat entire roster each game and have free substitution.
6-16. The pitching rule shall be as follows: On a manager’s third trip to the mound in any one inning or the game, the manager must remove the pitcher from that position and any subsequential visits the pitcher must be removed.
6-17. In case of rain or postponement of game due to uncontrollable elements, the game will be official under the following conditions: (any game postponed prior to being an official game will be played over in its entirety).
A. 8-Under Boys or 8-Under Girls: Played three (3) full innings or two and one-half (2 1⁄2) innings if the home team is ahead.
B. 10-Under Boys or 10-Under Girls: Played three (3) full innings or two and one-half (2 1⁄2) innings if the home team is ahead.
C. 12-Under Boys or 12-Under Girls: Played four (4) full innings or three and one-half (3 1⁄2) innings if the home team is ahead.
6-18. Players six (6) years old will be permitted to participate in league play.
Article 7 – Protests
A protest fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) must be submitted along with the written letter of protest within seventy-two hours (72) of game in which protest occurred. This letter may be mailed or hand delivered to the GMCBL President. If protest is upheld, the money will be returned to the team. If protest is lost, money will go into the GMCBL account.
Article 8 – General Rules 1
8-1. In case of injured player, substitute has to be an original substitute, not in the starting line-up. Substitute(s) will be in the injured player(s) batting order, but can move to any position on the field. This rule will be used only if all substitutes available for the game have entered the game prior to the injury.
8-2. No new players may be added to the roster after April 15 of each season.
8-3. All games must be played by and cannot end by specific date set forth by the league.
8-4. The protest committee shall consist of the GMCBL President and the President of each town league. If any of the above members are involved in the protest, they will not be allowed to vote.
8-5. Gate admission to all Garvin-Murray OK Kids league tournaments (preseason and post season) is $5 for 14 to 62 13 and under and 63 and over are free. Local tournaments may charge what they want.
8-6. Teams will receive three coaches passes for their teams. Those passes are only good for the person holding them (not their spouse, parents, grandparents, cousins, friends etc. to come in with them). Everyone who does not have a pass must pay the gate fee to enter
8-7. A team is required to play in the postseason tournaments. If a team does not play and does not give ample notification that they will not play they will be fined $50, payable to the town hosting the tournament. If they fail to pay said fee then they will not be allowed to participate in league activities until the fine is paid.
Time Limit Rule:
T-Ball: 1 Hour or 5 innings, whichever comes first, no new inning shall start after 55 minutes of the official starting time
8-Under Boys: 1 hour or 5 innings, whichever comes first, no new inning shall start after 55 minutes of the official starting time.
8-Under Girls: 1 hour or 5 innings, whichever comes first, no new inning shall start after 55 minutes of the official starting time.
10-Under Boys: 1 hour 15 minutes or 5 innings, whichever comes first, no new inning shall start after 1 hour and 10 minutes of the official starting time.
10-Under Girls: 1 hour 15 minutes or 5 innings, whichever comes first, no new inning shall start after 1 hour of the official starting time.
12-Under Boys: 1 hour 20 minutes or 6 innings, whichever comes first, no new inning shall start after 1 hour and 15 minutes of the official starting time.
12-Under Girls 1 hour 20 minutes or 5 innings, whichever comes first, no new inning shall start after 1 hour and 15 minutes of the official starting time.
Run Limit Rule:
T-Ball, 8-Under Boys, 8-Under Girls, 12-Under Boys, 12-Under Girls – only 6 runs scored per inning by team at bat. The half inning is ended when the sixth run crosses home play. No more runs will count even if scored on same play
In 10-and-under - only 4 runs scored pre inning by team at bat. The half inning is ended when the fourth runs crosses home play. No more runs will count even if scored on same play.
Run Ahead Rule:
T-Ball, 8-Under Boys, 8-Under Girls, 12-Under Boys and 12-Under Girls: run rule is 13 runs after 3 innings, 7 after 4 innings
10-Under Girls and 10-Under Boys: run rule is 9 after 3 innings, 5 after 4 innings
If at a specified point, a team has reached the run ahead rule the game is officially ended. The umpire will call time and notify each manager and the official scorekeeper of the winner and the game will continue until time has expired.
The only exception of this rule will be for disciplinary purposes and the manager will be responsible for advising the opposing manager, official scorekeeper, and the parent of the player before the start of the game. If the game is shortened due to the Run Limit, Run Ahead Rule, Time Limit Rule, or other factors, the coach will have complied with this rule if he substituted the players at a point that would have allowed them to play the required number of innings if the game had played to completion.
Visits with batters:
All age groups/divisions: Only one conference with batter per at bat; limit time to 15 seconds at that meeting. If coach does not adhere to rule, play will be called back in and a strike will be issued to the batter on the pitch.
Coach-pitch: Coach (Pitching coach or otherwise) can make adjustments to batter; they have one conference that can last 15 seconds. If coach does not adhere to rule, a pitch will be taken away from the 5 pitches they have. (Adopted 2016)
All age groups/divisions: Also speed up time between innings. Make sure catcher has shine guards on if they are not batting or on base and ready to go by just putting chest protector and mask on.
If an umpire feels like teams are delaying then play will be called in a ball will be issued to the batter (Adopted 2016)
2024 Garvin-Murray County Baseball League
6 & Under T-Ball
1. Age Limit: Boys and girls that were four (4), five (5) and six (6) years old as of January 1, 2024. A player must have been four (4) by January 1, 2024 and could not have been seven (7) before January 1, 2024. Boys and girls can play on the same team.
2. Base Distance: 60 Feet
3. Pitching Distance: 42 Feet
4. Ball: A regular 9” baseball will be used for Tee Ball competition in the Regional and State Tournaments.
5. Bat: The following are the only bats approved for use in OK Kids 6u Tee Ball.
A. Wood bats.
B. Any bat permanently stamped by the manufacturer with the Official BBCOR Baseball logo.
C. Any bat permanently stamped by the manufacturer with the Official USA Baseball logo.
D. Any bat permanently stamped by the manufacturer with the Official bpf 1.15 logo. *OK kids reserve the right to disallow any bat at any time. If a bat is disallowed, it will be specifically listed.
6. Fair Ball Arc: There shall be a fifteen (15) foot arc, measured from the back of home plate, drawn from the 1st baseline to the 3rd baseline in front of home plate. A batted ball must touch this line or go past it to be considered a fair ball. If the ball is touched before reaching this line it is a foul ball.
7. Defensive Safety Line: A line shall exist, whether marked on the field or not marked, that begins 10 feet in front of first base on the foul line, then extends to the pitching rubber and from the pitching rubber to 10 feet in front of third base on the foul line. Infielders must stay behind this line until the ball is hit. 26
8. Tee Ball Pitcher: The pitcher must stand on the pitching rubber until the ball is hit. The pitcher cannot leave the rubber until the batter has contacted the ball with the bat. PENALTY: If the ball is contacted fair, the batter is awarded first base and all base runners will be awarded one base OR the result of the play. The head coach of the batting team will select which of the two possible penalties to be enforced.
9. Number of Players: A complete team is a minimum of ten (10) players to start a game. However, a team can start a game with nine (9) players and take an automatic out for the 10th batting spot. If a 10th player becomes available that player may take the place of the automatic out. There is free substitution on defense.
10. Batters: All players present when the game starts will bat in a batting order determined before the game by the head coach. Any players arriving late will be added to the bottom of the order. The batting order cannot change during a game. If a batter is unable to bat for any reason (for example: injury, illness, left the game), then the batting team must take an automatic out every time that batter is unable to bat. If a player is unable to bat, but then later in the game is able to bat, the player may bat and the team is not required to take an automatic out.
11. Number of swings: A batter shall receive a maximum of three (3) swings to put the ball in play or be called out. No additional swings shall be awarded on foul balls. If the bat strikes the tee, that is considered a swing but the ball is dead.
12. Bunts: Bunting is not allowed.
13. Base Running: A base runner must have one foot on base once the ball is live and cannot leave the base until the batter has contacted the ball with the bat. PENALTY: The runner shall be called out.
14. Stopping play: The lead runner has stopped advancing at the discretion of the umpire. When a runner stands off a base and “jukes” or “feints” back and forth, this is to be interpreted as “not attempting to advance” and “Time” shall be called.
15. Base Runners: If a base runner has not passed a line one-half (1/2) the distance between the bases, including between third base and home plate, when play is stopped, the runner must return to the previous base.
16. Fielder Positions: There are ten (10) fielder positions, P, C, 1b, 2b, 3b, SS and four (4) OF. All four (4) outfielders must stand behind the baselines, preferably in the outfield grass.
17. Overthrows: The Tee Ball overthrow rule has been revoked. 27
18. Intentional Walks: There are no intentional walks.
19. Run Rule: Six (6) per inning or three (3) outs, whichever comes first. Game ending run rule same as 10u Baseballs. CLARIFICATION: A team is allowed to score a maximum of six runs per inning. This applies in every inning, including the fifth inning or any extra inning.
20. Game Length: Five (5) innings and 1 hour time limit. No new inning will start at 50 minutes
21. Infield Fly Rule: Does not apply, no infield fly rule.
22. Umpires: League games must have at least one umpire behind the plate. OK Kids Regional or State Tournaments must have at least two umpires per game.
23. Number of Coaches: Each team will be allowed four (4) coaches. When batting, a team can have a first base coach and third base coach and a Homeplate coach. The fourth coach must remain in the dugout area. While playing defense, all four coaches must remain in the dugout area. Defensive coaches are not allowed on the field. The team scorekeeper will be allowed to sit in the dugout as well.
2024 Garvin-Murray County Baseball League
8 & Under Boys Coach-Pitch
1. Age Limit: 8 years old and under, cannot be 9 before January 1, 2024.
2. Base Distance: 60 Feet
3. Pitching Distance: 42 Feet
4. Ball Size: 9" regulation baseball.
5. 8u Baseball Pitcher: The pitcher must pitch overhand only from a standing position on the rubber.
6. 8u Baseball Pitcher Coaching Restrictions: The pitcher may talk to anyone while he/she is in fair territory. He/she must be at least 16 years old.
7. Starting Line-up: A team must have ten (10) players to start the game or forfeit the game. The official batting order contains only ten (10) players. OK Kids substitution and re- substitution (re-entry) rules apply. Only ten (10) players with 4 outfielders.
8. Batters: See VII—Special Playing Rules, rule #2.
9. Number of pitches: Five (5) pitches or three (3) missed swings, whichever comes first. If the fifth (5th) pitch is hit foul, the pitcher will pitch again until batter misses the pitch, hits the ball fair or fouls out to a defensive player in the game. There can be no walks, including intentional walks. CLARIFICATION: If the batter has one strike after four pitches and hits a foul ball (a foul ball that is not caught or a foul tip that the catcher catches) on the fifth pitch he is allowed another pitch. If the batter has two strikes after four pitches and hits a foul ball that is not caught he is allowed another pitch but if the swing results in a foul tip caught by the catcher the batter is out.
10. Bunts: No “fake” bunting. Bunting is allowed; however, the batter is not allowed to indicate bunting to the degree that a fielder or fielders (other than the pitcher - Section XII - #15) may charge toward the batter, and then withdraw the indicated bunt/position/stance in
11. order to swing at the pitched ball. PENALTY: The ball/play is “dead” regardless of the result of the action and the batter will be called out. A bunt that goes foul on the third strike is an out.
12. Base Running: A base runner must have one foot on base once the ball is live and cannot leave the base until the batter has contacted the ball with the bat.
13. Stopping play: The lead runner has stopped advancing at the discretion of the umpire.
14. Base Runners: If a base runner has not passed a line one-half (1/2) the distance between the bases, including between third base and home plate, when play is stopped the runner must return to the previous base.
15. Fielder Positions: At least four (4) outfielders must stand behind the baselines.
16. Player/Pitcher Position: The player/pitcher must stand three (3) feet to the left or right of the pitching rubber. He cannot charge until the batter has contacted the ball with the bat. PENALTY: If the ball is contacted fair, batter is awarded first base and all base runners will be awarded one base OR the result of the play. The head coach of the batting team will select the penalty to be enforced.
17. Overthrows: The batter and/or base runners cannot advance on a dropped third (3rd) strike, passed ball, wild pitch or on a throw from the catcher to the pitcher following a pitch.
18. Pitching Coach Interference: The pitching coach must exit fair territory after the ball is hit and avoid contact.
19. PENALTIES: Runners return to the base they occupied as if it were a foul ball. Hit by thrown ball is the same penalty. Interfering with a player attempt to make a play results in the batter being out and no runners can advance.
20. Run Rule: Six (6) per inning or three (3) outs, whichever comes first.
21. 13 after 3, 7 after 4. CLARIFICATION: A team is allowed to score a maximum of six runs per inning. This applies in every inning, including the fifth inning or any extra inning.
22. Game Length: Five (5) innings and no time limit.
23. Infield Fly Rule: Does not apply, no infield fly rule.
24. Umpires: League games must have at least one umpire behind the plate. OK Kids Regional or State Tournaments must have at least two umpires per game.
25. Number of Coaches: Each team will be allowed a pitching coach, 1st base coach, 3rd base coach and a bench coach. The team scorekeeper will be allowed to sit in the dugout as well.
26. Other Rules: Any other rules not covered in the above set of rules will fall under OK Kids Baseball Rules.
2024 Garvin Murray County Softball League
8 & Under coach-pitch rules
1. Time Limits: 1 hour or 5 innings, no new inning at 55 minutes
2. Run Limit: 6 runs per inning by team at bat.
3. Run Ahead Rule: 13 runs after 3 innings, 7 runs after 4 innings.
4. Defensive Players:
A. 6 infielders and 4 outfielders (Outfielders must be 20-feet (or in the outfield grass) behind the baseline until ball is hit)
B. Pitcher must be behind the 35-foot arc with-in 3-feet of the adult pitcher. (Only one pitcher allowed in pitching area (circle)
C. All infielders must stand behind this line until ball is hit
The penalties for advancing above the 35-foot arc are as follows:
1st Offense: Umpire will issue a team warning.
2nd Offense: Player must be moved to a different position other than 1st, 3rd, or pitcher.
D. If a defensive player throws the ball and it hits the pitcher a dead ball is declared, play stops and the runners may only advance ONE BASE, if forced.
5. Batting:
A. Bat 10, play 10 in field. Use substitution rules.
B. If batted ball or thrown ball hits the pitching coach, the ball is dead, and the runners may only advance ONE BASE, if forced.
C. Each batter will be allowed 5 pitches or 3 missed swings. Batter is not out if they continue to foul off the 5th & succeeding pitches.
D. There are no walks, intentional or other wise
E. Bunting is not allowed.
6. Base Runner:
A. There is no Drop 3rd Strike Rule. Players must hit the ball to advance to 1st base.
B. Base runners are to have one foot in contact with the base and cannot leave the base until the ball is put in play.
1. Penalty for leaving the base early will be an out
C. No infield fly rule.
D. No Stealing
E. Play will stop when the lead runner is stopped, not when the ball gets back to the pitcher.
7. Coaches:
Offense: 1 pitching coach, 1 coach at 1st base, 1 coach at 3rd base.
Defense: One defensive coach may be outside the dugout. This coach must remain close to the fence between the on-deck batter’s box and 1st base or 3rd base depending on dugout. Should a coach move outside this area, the umpire may restrict him/her to the dugout. If subsequent coaches violate this rule, the umpire may prevent any defensive coaches from being outside the dugout. If a live ball strikes anyone or any equipment out of the dugout, bases will be awarded by the umpire.
8. Pitching Coaches:
A. All pitches will be underhand.
B. The coach/pitcher must have one foot on the rubber when the ball is released to the batter.
C. Any pitch that does not follow this rule will count as a pitch against the batter and will be a dead ball, no runners may advance and the batter may not take a base if the pitch is hit.
D. If the offense occurs on the fifth (5th) pitch, the batter will be out.
E. The pitching coach must exit fair territory after the ball is hit and/or avoid contact. § Penalty:
F. If the coach/pitcher is hit by a thrown ball or Interferes with a player, intentionally or unintentionally, attempting to make a play, the result will be the batter being out and no runners can advance.
G. Pitching coaches must avoid a ball that is hit, then exit the field if and when necessary. If the coach, in the umpire’s judgment, interferes with a play the following penalties will be enforced:
1st Offense: Umpire will warn coach.
2nd Offense: Lead runner is out.
3rd Offense: Lead runner is out & ejection of pitching coach.
9. Dugouts:
All coaches, players & team members must be in the dugout except when required to be in the playing field.
10. Softball:
A. Worth 11-inch Optic Yellow.
B. Home team will provide game balls.
11. Overthrows:
Overthrow base going to plus one. All other balls are live.
An overthrow is a ball going out of play (i.e. over the fence, into the dugout, etc.). A throw-by is a ball that is missed by a player and is still in the field of play either fair of foul territory.
12. 20-second pitch clock limit
The 20-second time limit (or clock) starts when the coach/pitcher receives the ball. If a coach/pitcher violates the 20-second rule he or she shall be warned by the umpire. After a coach/pitcher is warned, and they continue to violate the rule, a strike will be awarded for each violation. There is one warning per coach/pitcher.
2024 Garvin Murray County Softball League
10 & Under Fast-Pitch rules
1. Time Limits: 1 hour 15 minutes or 5 innings, no new inning at 70 minutes
2. Run Limit: 4 runs per inning by team at bat.
3. Run Ahead Rule: 9 runs after 3 innings, 5 runs after 4 innings.
4. Defense:
A. 6 infielders and 3 outfielders (Outfielders must be 15-feet behind the baseline until ball is hit)
B. The pitching rubber will be set at thirty-five (35’) from home plate.
5. Offense:
A. Bunting is allowed, Slashing is not
B. Batter cannot attempt to reach first on dropped or missed third strike
6. Coaches:
Offense: 1 coach at 1st base, 1 coach at 3rd base.
Defense: One defensive coach may be outside the dugout. This coach must remain close to the fence between the on-deck batter’s box and 1st base or 3rd base depending on dugout. Should a coach move outside this area, the umpire may restrict him/her to the dugout. If subsequent coaches violate this rule, the umpire may prevent any defensive coaches from being outside the dugout. If a live ball strikes anyone or any equipment out of the dugout, bases will be awarded by the umpire.