These are additional rules to the generally accepted rules of baseball that the Royal Canadian Baseball Association has adopted over the years. The official ASA Softball rulebook should be referenced when disputing rules not listed below.

  1. All games are for fun.
  2. Age. As per City of Toronto insurance regulations all players must be at least 18 years of age.
  3. Alcohol & Smoking.
    1. 3.1. There is to be no smoking or consumption of alcohol on any field while under permit by the RCBA (dugouts and bleachers are considered to be part of the field).
    2. 3.2. Friends and family that are not on the roster that consume alcohol and/or smoke on any field while under permit by the RCBA and choose to sit and/or engage with a team, must be asked to leave (the purpose is to make it clear to the other team and to any inspector that may come onsite, that they are not members of the RCBA and thus their violation of the law shall not affect the league).  
    3. 3.3 Any Team or player found to be in violation of this rule may be subject to expulsion from the league. 
  4. Disputes.
    1. 4.1. All disputes to be handled by the captains and/or alternate captains, only.
  5. Home & Away.
    1. 5.1. Home team is determined by the schedule, and is always the second team named.
  6. Innings.
    1. 6.1. Games are nine innings long unless the weather or sunset create a condition where it is unsafe to play.
    2. 6.2 Team captains must agree to play to the end of an inning or take the score from the last complete inning.
  7. Fielders (amended 2022).
    1. 7.1. A team may have up to 12 fielders on the field at a time (7 outfielders [4 deep, 3 rovers], 4 infielders, 1 catcher).
    2. 7.2. A team must play 3 girls every inning, 1 of whom must be in the infield (1b, 2b, 3b, SS).
    3. 7.3 If there are only 3 girls and one gets injured or leaves during the course of the game, when that girl's turn in the batting order comes around, they will be considered an automatic out.
    4. 7.4. If down to 2 girls, one is required in the infield and one in the outfield. If down to 1 girl, then she is required to play in the infield.
  8. Pitching
    1. 8.1. Pitch to your own team - 3 pitches to each batter.
    2. 8.2. Pitcher must attempt to move out of the way. If the batted ball hits the pitcher, it will not count as an out, but as a dead ball and a strike. All runners return to their original base.
    3. 8.3. If a ball is being thrown in to a bag/home and pitcher is hit by the ball, the play is dead and all runners will return to the most recent bag crossed. For example, a runner trying to make it home and the pitcher is hit, that runner will return to third.
    4. 8.4. Only an infielder may throw the ball to the pitcher. If an outfielder throws the ball to the pitcher, the pitcher does not have to catch the ball, if they choose not to catch it, it is considered a live ball.
  9. Lineup & Player Eligibility
    1. 9.1. A team must have eight players by the end of the third inning, including three girls otherwise the game is considered a forfeit.
    2. 9.2. Players must play half a season in order to be eligible for the playoffs. If a players has played fewer than 7 games, then that person must be brought forward as an exception to the league.
  10. Batting Order. 
    1. 10.1. The batting order must remain consistent throughout the game. Batters caught batting out of order will be automatically out.
    2. 10.2. All players must bat.
  11. Bunt Line (amended 2022).
    1. 11.1. The Bunt Line is measured 30ft from home to third and 30ft from home to first, creating a square.
    2. 11.2. If a batted ball doesn't cross the Bunt Line, it's considered a strike.
    3. 11.3. If the fielding team decides to play a batted ball within the Bunt Line while it's rolling, it's alive.
    4. 11.4. The infield cannot move within the base paths until the ball is hit.
  12. Pop Fly.
    1. 12.1. If a catcher catches a pop fly ball in foul territory, it is considered a strike. If caught in fair territory, it is an out.
    2. 12.2. When a fly ball is caught, a player must "tag-up" and then may advance.
  13. Infield Fly Rule.
    1. 13.1. The infield fly rule applies only when there are fewer than two outs, and there is a force play at third (runners on first and second base, or bases loaded). In these situations, if a fair fly ball is a hit that, in the umpire's judgment, is catchable by an infielder with ordinary effort, the batter is out regardless of whether the ball is actually caught in flight. The rule states that the umpire is supposed to announce, "Infield fly, if fair." If the ball will be almost certainly fair, the umpire will likely yell, "Infield fly, batter's out!" or just "Batter's out!" Umpires also typically raise one arm straight up to signal to everyone that the rule is in effect.
    2. 13.2. Any fair fly ball that could have been caught by an infielder with ordinary effort is covered by the rule regardless of where the ball is caught. The ball need not be caught by an infielder, nor must it be caught in the infield. For example, if an infielder retreats to the outfield in an effort to catch a fly ball with ordinary effort, the Infield Fly Rule would be invoked, even if an outfielder ultimately caught the ball, and even if no infielder attempted to make a play on the ball. Similarly, a fly ball within the infield that could have been caught by an infielder with ordinary effort, but is caught by an outfielder, would also be covered by the rule.
    3. 13.3. On a caught infield fly, a runner must tag up (i.e., retouch, at or after the time the fly ball is first touched by a fielder, the base the runner held at the time of pitch) to be eligible to advance, as on any catch. If the infield fly falls to fair ground untouched, or is touched and dropped, runners need not tag up. In either case, because the batter is out, the force play on runners is removed.
  14. Bats
    1. 14.1. All bats MUST be USSSA certified and say USSSA 1.20 BPH regardless of any other certification on the bat.
    2. 14.2. Any ASA bat certified prior to 2004, is an illegal bat.
    3. 14.3. If an illegal bat is identified at any point in the game, it must be removed. One warning will be issued - any additional warnings during the season will result in a forfeit.
  15. Balls.
    1. 15.1. Softballs used in the RCBA are 'Hot Dot', and will be supplied by the league to all teams.
  16. Bat throwing.
    1. 16.1. A thrown bat will result in a warning to that team, a second thrown bat by that team will be an out.
  17. Pinch Runner. 
    1. 17.1. A Pinch Runner may be employed if the batter reaches base safely.
    2. 17.2. The runner must be the person of the same gender most recently called out.
    3. 17.3. Pinch runners are not allowed from home plate.
  18. Lead-offs.
    1. 18.1. Lead-offs are not permitted.
    2. 18.2. You can only leave the bag when the bat makes contact with the ball (foul balls included). If you leave the bag before the batter hits the ball or if you leave and the batter swings and misses the ball for a strike, that is considered a lead off.
    3. 18.3. A lead-off will result in a warning, any additional lead-offs by that team will be considered outs, with no limit to how many outs may be called.
    4. 18.4. There are no warnings in the playoffs for leading off - it will be an automatic out.
  19. Sliding.
    1. 19.1. If a player slides into any base, the player is out.
    2. 19.2. If you overrun second or third base, you may be tagged out. You must slow down safely in order to stop in time and avoid sliding. (The intention is that you must be in control when running the bases, and avoid unsafe actions. Falling back to a base without any momentum would NOT be considered unsafe in most situations and not considered a slide. Common sense should prevail.)
  20. Obstruction.
    1. 20.1. Infielders who are not in the act of making a play, must stay off the bases, base paths, and out of the way of baserunners.
    2. 20.2. If a defender, not in the act of making a play, makes contact and/or impedes a baserunners ability to reach the next base, a warning will be given to the defence, and all runners may advance 1 base from the last safely touched base.
    3. 20.3. For each obstruction warning a team receives after the first, runners may advance 2 bases from the last safely touched base.
  21. 1st base
    1. 21.1. When a player is running to first base they may not be tagged by the fielder. Fielder may touch bag only.
    2. 21.2. A fielder, when covering 1st and fielding a grounder to 1st, must refrain from running across the 1st base bag and interfering with the runner on their way to 1st base. If any contact is made by the fielder with the runner, the runner shall be considered safe.
    3. 22.3. if the fielder touches the safety portion (orange section) of the 1st base bag before the runner, the runner is considered safe.
    4. 22.4. if the fielder touches the safety portion (orange section) and then touches the white portion of the of the 1st base bag before the runner, the runner is considered out.
    5. 22.5. Runners from home to 1st base when called safe, must turn in foul territory and remain in foul territory to return to 1st base safely. If the runner turns in fair territory while returning to 1st base, the player can be tagged out.
  22. Home Plate
    1. 22.1. To avoid collisions at home plate, there will be 2 plates: Plate 1 (Home Plate) will be at the batters box; Plate 2 (Safe Plate) will be near the fence, inline with the firstbase line. When a player is running home they are to touch the Safe Plate, NOT Home Plate. Runners will be called out if they make contact with Home Plate while running home.
  23. Foul Line Pylons (amended 2023)
    1. 23.1. There should be 2 sets of pylons on the field; 1 set on the 1st base line and the second set on the 3rd base line. The first pylon should be 30-35ft out from the bag, the second pylon should be 65-70ft out from the bag. Both Captains should agree before the start of the game that the pylons have been correctly placed.
    2. 23.2. The 4 deep outfielders cannot move in past the second pylon until the ball is hit, and the rovers cannot move in past the first pylon until the ball is hit. 1st and 3rd base umpires must address any infractions before the ball is hit.
  24. Base Coaches/Umpires
    1. 24.1 Base coaches/Umpires must not intentionally interfere in any way with the ball or the batter is out.
    2. 24.2. Base coaches/Umpires must not interfere with runners or defensive players while in foul or fair territory, or the batter is out.
    3. 24.3. 1st base coach/umpire calls first and home, 3rd base coach/umpire calls third, second, and the commitment line. The catcher calls foul balls.
    4. 24.4. In the finals, there will be 3 umpires as opposed to 2. 1st base, 3rd base and home (calling foul balls).
    5. 24.5. Any play not seen by the coaches/umpires will automatically go to the offence.
  25. Commitment Line
    1. 25.1. The commitment line is positioned halfway between home plate and third base.
    2. 25.2. Once a runner steps on or over the commitment line on their way home, they must continue home. Returning to and touching third base will be considered an out.
  26. Overthrows.
    1. 26.1. Runners may advance one base on any overthrow that leaves the field of play.
  27. Obstacles.
    1. 27.1. A ball hit near an obstacle (i.e. building, tree, etc.) will be considered to be a ground rule double unless it is very clear to all parties the ball is playable.
  28. Glove to Hand Transfer.
    1. 28.1. When a fielder catches a fly ball or an infielder makes an out at a base on a throw, the batter or runner is considered out even if the fielder drops the ball in the transfer of the ball from glove to hand when making another throw. i.e. double play ball from 2nd to 1st. The fielder must have control of the ball in the glove when caught.
  29. Mercy Rules (amended 2022).
    1. 29.1. Maximum of 8 runs in an inning. The last inning is open and unlimited.
    2. 29.2. After the 7th inning, a team that is losing by 15 or more runs has the option to call a halt to the game.
  30. Rain Outs (amended 2023)
    1. 30.1. 4:30 PM will be the time if games are to be cancelled. The commissioner will send an email or text at that time based on weather forecast and field conditions.
    2. 30.2. If no cancellation email or text is sent and you do not show up for the game, you will have defaulted the game and given a loss.
    3. 30.3. As per the City of Toronto, if games are a go but weather changes after 4:30 and/or field conditions become or have become unsafe or may be damaged if played on, Captains must use their discretion to call the game and register a tie. A damaged field, which can include potholes, divots, and an uneven infield, can potentially make future games difficult and unsafe and should be avoided.
  31. Standings
    1. 31.1. Standings are determined by points accumulated - 2 points for a win and 1 point for a tie.
    2. 31.2. Tiebreakers in order - Wins, Runs Scored, Runs Against.
  32. Default Games and Automatic Outs (ammended 2022)
    1. 32.1. At any point during a game should a team have fewer than 3 girls for any reason, each time it is the absent girl's turn in the batting order, they will be considered an automatic out.
    2. 32.2. If a team does not have 3 girls prior to the start of the 4th inning due to absence (not injury), the game becomes a "default" and must follow the rules outlined in rule 32.3 below.
    3. 32.3. If a game becomes a default, the following adjustments to the points awarded in the game must be applied (as per this rule, it is possible to have 2 teams default in the same game).
      1. LEGAL TEAM: Win = 2, Loss = 1, Tie = 2
        DEFAULT TEAM: Win = 1, Loss = 0, Tie = 0
  33. Cleats (amended 2023)
    1. 33.1. No metal cleats of any kind are permitted. Any player caught wearing metal cleats must immediately leave the game. The player may return to the game at any time after they have been removed.