HOF Requirements

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PLEASE REVIEW THE CRITERIA prior to making a nomination. If your nominee does not fit the criteria please do not submit. 

It is Mandatory for nominee to attend and participate in the MLFR Hall of Fame Induction Banquet. Check with your nominee to confirm he/she will be able to participate.


Hall of Fame Nomination Criteria revised and updated, Please read carefully!

Hall of Fame Criteria Rev 09142020



Player Nomination

A successful "player" candidate for nomination into the Minor League Football Hall of Fame shall have a minimum of 10 years combined experience at the Adult Amateur Minor League level of American football and will have been removed, away, and/or retired from the sport no less than two (2) consecutive football seasons or years. Player candidate(s) must have been named/selected to a league all-star roster in at least 40 percent (minimum 4 years) of the total time spent as a player in the sport.

A player candidate cannot have ever been suspended for any violation of league rules that involved violence, fighting, etc., towards a game official and/or referee, coach, team owner, or game day staff volunteer at any time during their career.

A player candidate cannot have been suspended for any violation of league rules that involved violence, fighting, etc., towards a player for any more than two (2) times during their career.

A player candidate cannot have been convicted of a crime classified as a felony at any time during or after his career prior to HOF nomination.


A successful "coach" candidate, head coach, assistant coach, coordinators etc., for nomination into the Minor League Football Hall of Fame shall have a minimum of 10 years combined experience at the Adult Amateur Minor League level of American football.

Coach candidate(s) must have been associated with team(s) that won no less than sixty-five percent (65%) of their total number of games played during their tenure.

A coach candidate must have made a significant contribution to the game in his/her community and/or with his/her players during their tenure.

A coach candidate cannot have been suspended for any violation of league rules that involved violence, fighting, etc., towards a player, game official and/or referee, coach, team owner, or game day staff volunteer at any time during their career.

A coach candidate cannot have been convicted of a crime classified as a felony at any time during or after his/her career prior to HOF nomination.


A successful "team owner" or "executive" candidate for nomination into the Minor League Football Hall of Fame shall have a minimum of 10 years combined experience at the Adult Amateur Minor League level of American football.

A team owner or executive candidate must have made a significant contribution to the game in his/her community and/or with his/her players during their tenure.

A team owner or executive candidate cannot have been suspended for any violation of league rules that involved violence (fighting, etc) towards a player, game official and/or referee, coach, team owner, or game day staff volunteer at any time during their career.

A team owner or executive candidate cannot have been convicted of a crime classified as a felony at any time during or after his/her career prior to HOF nomination.


A successful "game official/referee" candidate for nomination into the Minor League Football Hall of Fame shall have a minimum of 10 years combined experience at the Adult Amateur Minor League level of American football and have been removed (retired) from the sport no less than one (1) year.

A game official/referee candidate cannot have been suspended for any violation of league rules that involved violence (fighting, etc) towards a player, game official and/or referee, coach, team owner, or game day staff volunteer at any time during their career.

A game official/referee candidate cannot have been convicted of a crime classified as a felony at anytime during or after his/her career prior to HOF nomination.


A successful "journalist" and/or "broadcaster" candidate for nomination into the Minor League Football Hall of Fame shall have a minimum of 10 years combined experience at the Adult Amateur Minor League level of American football.

A team journalist and/or broadcaster candidate must have made a significant contribution to the game during their tenure.

A journalist and/or broadcaster candidate cannot have been convicted of a crime classified as a felony at any time during or after his/her career prior to HOF nomination.

ALL OTHERS (Game Day Staff, P.A. Announcer, Equipment Personnel, Team Volunteers, etc):

A successful candidate for nomination under this classification for induction into the Minor League Football Hall of Fame shall have a minimum of 10 years combined experience at the Adult Amateur Minor League level of American football

Said candidate must have made a significant contribution to the team(s) as well as the game of American football at the Minor League level in his/her community during their tenure.

Said candidate cannot have been suspended for any violation of league rules that involved violence, fighting, etc., towards a player, game official and/or referee, coach, team owner, or game day staff volunteer at any time during their career.

Said candidate cannot have been convicted of a crime classified as a felony at any time during or after his/her career prior to HOF nomination.


Any and all exceptions made to the aforementioned criteria must be authorized by the HOF Nomination Representatives, justified with written documentation and submitted to the HOF Director and HOF Coordinator for review and final approval.


Penalties for Violation:

Players may not return to the field of play and be on a regular season roster once inducted into the HOF. The HOF player will be limited to participate on national or state all-star team(s). Basically no league participation. If found in violation the player will be informed he is being removed from the Hall of Fame for violating the HOF rules of participation for HOF members


Hall of Fame Ring Purchase  

Purchase of Hall of Fame Ring or other Jewelry can’t be done until 1 year from the time of induction. The name must be submitted to the Hall of Fame Award Coordinator. On rare occasions the Hall Of Fame Award Coordinator may grant authorization for purchase before the 1 year period has been reached.