Player Profile

  • Ryan Dueringer

2/23/2020 Toxic Crusaders 10000000
2/16/2020 The Jokers 10000000
2/9/2020 Ginyu Force 10000000
2/2/2020 Ginyu Force 10000000
1/26/2020 Springfield Atoms 10000000
1/19/2020 Garbage Pail Kids 00000000
1/12/2020 Toxic Crusaders 10000000
1/5/2020 Wild Thornberries 10000000
12/29/2019 Pound Puppies 10000000
12/22/2019 Care Bears 10000000
12/15/2019 The Jokers 00000000
12/1/2019 Ginyu Force 10000000
11/24/2019 Springfield Atoms 10000000
11/17/2019 Garbage Pail Kids 00000000
11/10/2019 Toxic Crusaders 10000000
11/3/2019 Wild Thornberries 10000000
10/20/2019 Pound Puppies 00000000
10/13/2019 Care Bears 10000000
10/6/2019 The Jokers 00000000
Total 140000000


2/23/2020 Toxic Crusaders 1450101515.000000.000
2/16/2020 The Jokers 14510055.000000.000
2/9/2020 Ginyu Force 14510099.000000.000
2/2/2020 Ginyu Force 14510044.000000.000
1/26/2020 Springfield Atoms 14510044.000000.000
1/19/2020 Garbage Pail Kids 14510055.000000.000
1/12/2020 Toxic Crusaders 14810098.440000.000
1/5/2020 Wild Thornberries 14501099.000000.000
12/29/2019 Pound Puppies 14510099.000000.000
12/22/2019 Care Bears 14510022.000000.000
12/1/2019 Ginyu Force 14501088.000000.000
11/24/2019 Springfield Atoms 1450101111.000000.000
11/17/2019 Garbage Pail Kids 14510088.000000.000
11/10/2019 Toxic Crusaders 14810098.440000.000
11/3/2019 Wild Thornberries 14510022.000000.000
10/20/2019 Pound Puppies 1450101010.000000.000
10/13/2019 Care Bears 14510055.000000.000
10/6/2019 The Jokers 14510077.000000.000
Total 1881613501317.220000.000