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Navel Gazing

April 16, 2018

I had a nice talk with my old friend Dave Bagwell after the game SUnday, and he helped me to gain or regain some perspective on all Reds matters. I owe all of you an apology. I've been managing this team since the spring of 1994, 2 seasons a year. I seem to have slipped into the mindset that this is my team, but it's not, it's your team. I have linked fun and winning too closely. I know all of you want to win, and all give your best, and for a variety of reasons, it doesn't work out that way sometimes. My snarky comments and thinly masked frustration are not helping matters, clearly. We are what we are, and that is a bunch of good guys who enjoy playing ball and each other's company for a few hours each week. 

I will endeavor to do better. I will try and live in the moment and enjoy the fact that I am even able to get out on the field to play this wonderful game, for it is just that, a game to be be PLAYED. I hope you'll indulge my sensibilities for the occasional unsolicited nugget on how things are supposed to be or look, But no more will you hear anything from me about physical errors or errors of commission. Lets have fun and play ball, and again, my apologies.