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2019 RULES

(I-1 and I-2 are combined) Coach Pitch 

Game time will be 1 hour and 15 minutes

Teams are allowed to field up to 10 players.

Coaches will pitch the ball to each player.

Each player will receive 5 pitches if the player doesn't get a hit on the 5th pitch he will be allowed to hit off of a tee.

We play 5 runs or 3 outs whatever comes first its up to the hitting team to keep track.

Every hit will be a single.

Each team is allowed 2 coaches on the field when fielding, try to have coaches stand back out of the base path.

Each team is allowed 3 coaches when hitting 1 at the plate with the hitter and 1 at first base and 1 at third base please do not have a coach on second base the field gets crowded when too many coaches are on the field.

Coaches will call safe/out on plays please remember these are young children so please be fair.



(I-3) Machine Pitch

Game time is 1 hour and 30 minutes

Coaches are responsible for getting the Pitching Machine out, setting it up, digging the trench, and putting away the machine at the end of games, the extension code MUST be buried per safety reasons. 

Both teams should be involved during the set up process to agree on the settings also to make sure it is fair for both sides once the official game time has started we want to be ready to play ball. There will only be allowed to adjust in between first and second inning, ONLY if both coaches agree. If one does not agree the machine WILL NOT be adjusted.  

The machine should be about 40 ft away from the plate and speed should be between 35 mph.

Each hitter will receive only 5 pitches or three strikes off of the machine . If the batter fouls the 3rd strike or 5th pitch, they will remain at bat. The batter cannot be out on a foul ball. 

Once the ball breaks the plane of the infield, (grass to dirt) the ball is dead and the runner(s) can no longer advance. If they half way the receive the next base, if not then the must go back to the previous base. Infielder does not have to have possession the ball just must break the plane.  

We play 5 runs or 3 outs whatever comes first, it is up to the scorekeepers to keep track of runs, umpire does not keep track of score only outs.  Each team should have a scorekeeper with an official score book. 

Teams will exchange line ups before the start of the game any player arriving after the start of the game must be dropped to the bottom of the line up.

Any Coach or Manager ejected shall serve a minimum of 1 game suspension depending on severity.








  • No taunting allowed
  • No disrespectful, foul or obscene language towards the opposing team or their fans
  • No arguing with umpires at any time
  • Congratulations or Good Game at the end of the game Only ( Only positives comments will be allowed NO negatives comments...)
  • Any acts of unsportsmanlike conduct at the end of the game celebration and/or while exiting the field will NOT be tolerated and may result in a coach or player ejection from the game ( You can still be ejected at the end of the game)...
  • Any ejections from a game is a minimum of 1 game suspension depending on the severity more disciplinary action may follow
  • Both coaches MUST sign the game card at the end of the game regardless of the outcome




                                 The Webster's definition is as follow: 


Sportsmanship is an aspiration or ethos that a sport or activity will be enjoyed for its own sake, with proper consideration for fairness, ethics, respect, and a sense of fellowship with ones competitors.








Welcome to the FAAA new Instructional Division information page


If you have any questions please feel free to contact the baseball commissioners



Bill Millikan (314) 497- 9305




 To find your teams schedule please click on the schedule tab on the left then click on your teams age division then the coaches or team name.