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Rules & Regulations

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Rules & Regulations


    1. Our mission at R&R Softball League is to promote sportsmanship and honesty among players and staff. We are all here to have a good time and meet new people while being competitive.


    1. The R&R Softball League reserves the right to change any and all rules, regulations and policies whenever due cause warrants a change. When a change is made, all managers of teams affected by the change will be notified immediately.

    2. The regulations stated under General Policies will govern all adult sport leagues: Lob pitch & fast pitch

    3. Bottles and Kegs: No bottles or kegs are allowed at the ball fields.

    4. Sportsmanship and fair play will be the hallmark of all adult sport programs.

    5. The Office that governs all of R&R Softball will be composed of the League Administrators, League Director and the Crew Chief Umpire for the respective softball divisions.

    6. Any staff involved with a team, player or coach will not be allowed to be involved with any decisions that effects any teams in the league.


    1. The league has imposed a deadline in which all league fees must be turned in prior to the start of the season.**FEES WILL INCREASE AFTER THE DEAD LINE, EVEN FOR NEW INCOMING TEAMS.

    2. The number of team entries will be limited due to facility availability. All entries are taken on a first come, first served basis. To assure team entry, team and player fees must be paid at the time of registration as designated on the specific league information.

    3. All schedules are made in the order of the teams current status in the league with current teams being ranked first , past teams who played in the previous season and all new arrivals


    1. When a team has dropped to less than 9 players throughout the season the team can apply for hardship. This will allow a team to recruit more players to finish the 2nd half of the season.

    2. New rosters must be submitted before the following schedule game, after the hardship has been approved.

    3. Deadline to apply for a hardship will be by the 6th week of the spring season (May 10th, 2015).

    4. Every new player added to the roster must pay a fee of $20.00 to the league before the next scheduled game.

    5. Team can only recruit up to 9 new players maximum.


    1. Teams are allowed a maximum of 20 players on its roster as desired.

    2. Each roster sheet must be completed with first name and last name including the player number phone number.

    3. Umpires will supply the roster sheets with the waiver form for the first 3 weeks of the season.

    4. After the 3rd week of the season rosters are locked and would not be able to add anymore players to the roster

    5. Each player must take a head shot for the website

    6. Participants must be 18 years or older in order to play in R&R Softball League


    1. All players must have the same matching shirt or jersey in order to play in the R&R Softball League by the required deadline that the league has imposed.

    2. If a player has a different uniform that does not match the current uniform worn by the players during the regular season he/she cannot play in the game under any circumstances.

      1. No negotiations can be made to over rule the “no shirt, no play” policy.

  1. In the playoffs and championship games any player without the rightful shirt with his matching number, they cannot play at all.

  1. No player is allowed to wear anyone else’s shirt that does not belong to him/her.

(e) Team not having enough players due to the dress code violation will forfeit the scheduled
doubleheader and is considered a forfeit.


    1. Once the season begins, no player can join another team until the waiver trade deadline approaches {week # 3}

    2. A player exchange has to be approved by both team managers and finalized by the commissioner.

    3. If a player joins another team without permission from the League, he/she will be ineligible to play for the remainder of the season.

    4. Managers who let players who have not received permission from the league to play in their scheduled games will be given losses for the game or games that the said player is involved with.

    5. Players that are no longer on a team will be placed in a pool. Managers can pick from the pool at any time before the half way mark.

      1. PLAYERS POOL: A player that has been dropped from a team within the 1st half of the season will be placed in a players pool. The players in the pool can be picked up from any team on the roster that is looking for new players.

      2. The bottom seed team will be the first to pick a maximum of 2 players from pool. Then the next seeded team can pick and so on.

      3. If a player refuses to go with the team that picked them, the player has waived the right to play and will not be able to be picked by any other team

      4. Pool is active until the All-Star weekend and will be closed after.


    1. If a team drops out of the league prior to the waiver trade deadline, all players on that team are deemed ineligible to join another team until the waiver trade deadline approaches or allowed and documented by the commissioner.

    2. Any team that has been abandoned by his/her team can be picked up by another team with the commissioners approval.

    3. All managers will be notified of any new players that have been added to a teams roster.

    4. Any team caught using a player without permission from the league, will cause any game that the player was involved with to result in losses whether it be regular, playoffs, or championship games.


    1. Any team who owes money cannot be allowed into the league until the debt is settled.

    2. Late fees of $20 per month will be added from date of fees due.

    3. Managers will be listed on the website ban list for debt owed until balance is paid in full

    4. Players on the team will also be put on the ban list. Players can get off the ban list and play on any team by paying a fee of $50.00 payable before the 1st game played.


    1. Managers must attend all meeting set forth by the League

    2. Managers must comply with all rules and regulations pertaining to R&R Softball League

    3. When it comes to rules and regulations which involves suspension of a player or suspension of team, the manager must confer with the League Director assigned to that league

    4. The League Administrator will not in any shape, or form will interfere with a Director’s decision unless the facts in question are proven wrong by the manager requesting a hearing on the Director's rulings.

    5. The League Administrator is here only to insure that all teams have fields to play on , weekly schedules , umpires assigned to games and the championship prize money for the prize listed for that particular league.

    6. Teams or players that are suspended for breaking rules and regulations will have a copy of the league suspension form e-mailed to the manager and a record will be kept in the teams files for which we will be keeping track of all players or teams who have broken the leagues rules and regulations.

    7. Umpires are assigned to each scheduled doubleheader with the teams being the only ones rotated around that schedule

    8. Umpire fees per team on each scheduled doubleheader is $ 65.00 dollars per team

    9. In the playoffs when 2 umpires are assigned, each team will pay the umpires $130.00 dollars for a scheduled doubleheader and if it goes to a 3rd game then each team will pay an additional $ 65.00 dollars.

    10. The Head Umpire who does the 1st game in the playoffs must do the 3rd game behind the plate if a necessary 3rd game is needed.

      1. There is no trade-off on this rule regardless of which teams wants which umpire

    11. Any team that refuses to pay the umpire will be suspended and fined $25.00

    12. Any manager that submits a protest there is a fee of $25.00 per game.

    13. All managers will be given a score-book. The score book page will be collected after every game by the umpire.

      1. All games must be scored by each individual team.

      2. If the the score-book is not filled out the team will be penalized $25.00

    14. Line-up cards will be given out to the managers in the beginning of each game. Managers must return line-up cards to the umpire before the game begins.

    15. Umpire cannot start game without collecting line-up cards.

    16. All fees must be paid before the start of any game.

    17. Stealing is allowed only from 3rd base on a wild pitch.

    18. Mercy rule is as follows:

      1. 10 run lead after the completion of the 4th inning


    1. In the event of weather conditions all teams must show up to the field unless called off by the League Administrator or the League Director.

    2. If a team doesn't come to the field whether it be a regular season game, playoffs , conference championship and the world series , the team will be given 2 losses for that day. 2 consecutive forfeits during the regular season will result in removal from the league.

    3. Team being given 2 losses in either playoffs, conference and championship game will result in elimination.

    4. Teams should contact the League as earliest as possible to avoid having any complications for that day.

    5. If in the event of a light drizzle and the teams play and gets rained out during the course of the first game they are responsible for paying the umpire $ 25.00 dollars each if the game hasn't reached the 4th inning or before the start of the second doubleheader.

    6. During the regular season if rain stops the game after the 5th inning has been completed, the game is official with the team leading at that time being awarded the victory.

    7. During the playoffs, conference and championship games where rain stops the game at the request of the umpire, the game will be picked up from where the game is left off.

    8. During the regular season a cancellation due to weather or an unplayable field will result in the team getting splits for the day.


    1. Teams are to bring 2 new official F-12 clinchers to each scheduled doubleheader they play in.

    2. The league will no longer accept excuses on why teams didn't have new softballs prior to the start of the game.

    3. You will have 2 choices to work with at game time {1} If you don't have new softballs to start the scheduled doubleheader {regular season } you can either forfeit the first game in which your team must pay half the umpire fees of the other team and take a loss for game one {2} you can send someone to the store to purchase softballs prior to the start of the second game beginning. If the softballs have not arrived by the start of the second game then the first rule will be implemented and the game is over. Teams can no longer use used balls to play with ! No excuses !

    4. In the playoffs, conference championship, and the world series teams must bring 3 new balls. {1} If a team doesn't have any softballs whatsoever , they will forfeit game one of the series with game 2 to start automatically. The team will be given an opportunity to go and get softballs prior to the start of game 3 beginning. {2} If the 3rd game begins and no new softball is here for the team that didn't have softballs to begin with , the league will allow them to play with their best ball for the duration of 4 innings.


    1. In the event that 2 teams finish with the same record , the 1st tiebreaker will be the regular season record against each other.

    2. The 2nd tiebreaker being most runs scored in the entire season by both teams not the doubleheaders runs scored in their games.

    3. Event of a third tie with the same amount of runs being scored in the season: then we will use the least amount of runs scored in the season


    1. The league will not tolerate fighting of any kind. This is a family league and aggression against any ballplayer, umpire or league officials which is not limited to the members of the R.R.S.L will not be tolerated.

    2. The player who throws the first punch or threatens any player or official will be removed immediately from the league for the remainder of the season and the player who fights back will be suspended for a 2 week period with a warning if the incident should happen again.

    3. Any other players involved who are identified by the league not by eyewitness will be suspended immediately for the remainder of the season.


    1. Umpire must submit a complaint on our website ( Manager will be contacted within 24-48 hours after complaint has been submitted.


    1. Any player that acts in an unsportsmanlike manner towards another team or an official can and will be ejected from a game by an umpire.

    2. Once a player has been ejected he MUST leave the field. Should a player refuse to leave the field, his team could possible lose the game via forfeit.

    3. The player has 2 minutes to leave the premises. Umpire cannot resume the ball game until player has left the field premises.

    4. The act of an ejection is not up for protest or debate and is final once the umpire has ejected a player or coach. In addition a player ejected is unable to play in their team’s next game

    5. If a player is ejected from a game he cannot play the next game.

    6. 2 ejections cause the player to be dismissed from league play.

    7. If a player is ejected for a MAJOR infraction it will be discussed among league officials and he may be dismissed from league

    8. A player will be charged $50.00 for the 1st ejection and $100.00 for the 2nd ejection and dissmissal.


    1. All protest must be made prior to the start of a game or before the next pitch is thrown. When it comes to protesting players, it must be done before the game starts.

    2. Once the game begins the game must be completed. Protest can still be filed. (See violations section)

    3. Once a protest is made, the protesting team must get the umpires signature in the teams official score-book. Any protest without an umpire’s signature in the score-book will not be heard at all.

    4. There are only 2 types of protests that the league will listen to.

      1. Misinterpretation of a playing rule.

      2. Illegal or ineligible players

    5. A fee of $25.00 will be charged for any protest hearing.

    6. Section 1. Protests will not be received or considered if they are based solely on a decision involving the accuracy of judgment on the part of an umpire. Examples of protests which will not be considered are:

      1. Whether a batted ball was fair or foul.

      2. Whether a runner was safe or out.

      3. Whether a pitched ball was a ball or a strike.

      4. Whether a pitch was legal or illegal.

      5. Whether a runner did or did not touch a base.

      6. Whether a runner did or did not leave a base too soon on a caught fly ball.

      7. Whether a fly ball was or was not caught legally.

      8. Whether it was or was not an infield fly.

      9. Whether there was or was not interference or obstruction.

      10. Whether the field is or is not fit to continue or resume play.

      11. Whether there is or is not sufficient light to continue play.

      12. Whether a player or live ball did or did not enter a dead ball area or touch some object or person in a dead ball area.

      13. Whether a batted ball did or did not clear the fence in flight.

      14. Whether a batted ball was or was not touched by a fielder before clearing the fence in flight.

      15. Any other matter involving only the accuracy of the umpire’s judgment.

    7. Section 2. PROTESTS. There are three types of protests:

      1. Misinterpretation of a playing rule - must be made:

        1. Before the next pitch,

        2. Before the next play.

        3. Before all infielders have left fair territory,

        4. On the last play of the game, before the umpires leave the playing field.

      2. Illegal player - must be made while they are in the game and before the umpires leave the playing field.

        NOTE: (A-B) An umpire cannot reverse a decision after a pitch (legal or illegal) to the next batter.

      3. Ineligible player - can be made any time. Eligibility is the decision of the protest committee. (See ASA Code 501 A 5, 505 D 3)


    1. Game one is forfeited when a team that has less than 8 players within the the 1st 15 minutes of game 1.

    2. If game one is forfeited team forfeiting the game is required to pay the umpire for the forfeited game.

    3. If both games are forfeited the team that forfeits is responsible for the amount of $ 200.00 dollars which can be paid at the field or before the next scheduled doubleheader takes place or taken out of your forfeit fee deposit.

    4. Forfeit fee will be deducted from the league fee if deposit was never paid.

    5. Fee must be replenished before the next scheduled game or it will result to a forfeit as well.

    6. Teams are required to give 24 hour notice for cancellation or games will be classified as a forfeit therefore incurring the $200 forfeit fee before playing the next scheduled game.


    1. The umpires are the sole representatives of the league for that particular game that they have been assigned to.

    2. Umpires are authorized by R&R Softball League to enforce the rules contained in this manual.

    3. The umpires have the power to order a { 1 } manager , { 2 } coach, { 3} fans and family members of teams to do or refrain from doing any act that is necessary to enforce any of these rules and to inflict any penalties prescribed in order to keep the game or any situation in a game from getting out of hand.

    4. There will be no appeal on any decision of any umpire on the grounds that the umpire was not correct in the conclusion as to whether a batted ball was fair or foul, a runner safe or out , a pitched ball was fair or foul , or a pitch that is either too fast or too slow , or on any play involving accuracy of judgment.

    5. No decision rendered by any umpire will be reversed except when the umpire himself is convinced it is in violation of one of these rules.

    6. Ruling on the field: If a player that is not on the roster steps on the field to play, the umpire has the right to eject him/her immediately.


    1. Is a fair ball not including a line drive which can be caught by an infielder with ordinary effort when 1st & 2nd base or bases loaded is less than 2 outs. Runners advance at their own risk.


    1. Is the act of an { 1} offensive player , { 2 } team member , { 3 } umpire , {4 } or spectator that { 5 } impedes , { 6 } hinders , { 7 } or confuses a defensive player attempting to execute a play.

    2. Offensive interference occurs when a runner or batter (intentionally or not) obstructs, impedes, hinders, or confuses a fielder attempting to play a batted or thrown ball.

    3. If interference is an obvious attempt to prevent a double play, the umpire may call both runners out. If an umpire declares a batter or runner out for interference, all other runners shall return to the last base that was legally touched at the time the interference occurred.


    1. Is the act of a defensive player, { 1 } team member which hinders or prevents a batter from striking at or hitting a pitched ball.

    2. Defensive obstruction is an act by a fielder who, while not in possession of the ball and not in the act of fielding, impedes the progress of any runner.

    3. The umpire shall call obstruction, but let the play proceed. At the conclusion of the play, the umpire shall explain the nature of the action and impose any penalties that nullify the act of obstruction.

    4. Offensive obstruction is when a base coach and or a player touches a player on the field when the ball is still live. (Ex:1. the ball is in play and the runner rounds 1st and the 1st base coach hi fives the runner while the ball is still in play that would be considered obstuction. Ex: 2. the runner is running to third and over runs the base into the 3rd base coach or players that would be consider obstruction.) When an offensive obstruction is called runner is out.

      1. When a ball is hit outside the park in an inclosed field the ball is dead and the home run is issued.


    1. If the ball is thrown from any place and goes into the dead ball area the runner will be awarded two extra base from the last base possest. (The base the runner is running to and the base ahead of it)


    1. May be used for any player provided it is made known prior to the start of the game or the players name is indicated in the teams score-book or line-up sheet as one of the batters in the batting order. Designated hitters can enter the playing field!

    2. If the DH enters the field, the player that the DH is hitting for loses the DH and has to bat for him/herself


    1. Can be used in the teams line-up with the extra hitter being the only position that cannot enter a game to substitute for a player on the field. The extra hitter can only be replaced by a player who has not entered or played in the game at all.


    1. Teams are allowed a maximum of 4 runners per game (Pitcher, Catcher and 2 other players). If a player who has a courtesy runner and runs when he's not supposed to , { 1 } he will lose all rights to a courtesy runner for the duration of that scheduled game.

    2. The courtesy runner is the last man out. If the last out has a courtesy runner, the courtesy runner will be the player before him/her.

    3. The courtesy runner can also be a designated bench player.

      1. Bench runner will be the designated runner for only 1 player for the entire game.


    1. Are when the defender tries to catch the runner off base. As long as the ball beats the runner back to the base in the judgment of the umpire the runner will be declared out. If the runner gets back in time and the ball passes the defender he can advance on his own free will as long as the runner touches the bag before advancing.


    1. The legal delivery of a pitch is official when the delivery is in an underhanded motion with the hand below the hip. The release of the ball and follow of the hand and wrist must be forward and past the straight line of the body.

    2. Quick Pitch is a pitch made by the pitcher with the obvious attempt to catch the batter off balance. This would be before the batter takes a position in the batter's box or while the batter is still off balance as a result of the previous pitch. Quick pitching is not allowed thus resulting in a dead ball called.


      1. Starting position is facing home plate with at least one foot on the rubber.

      2. When the batter is ready a legal pitch must be delivered in one continuous.

      3. UNDERHANDED motion at variable speeds.

    4. ILLEGAL PITCHES will result in a warning and be automatically
      called BALLS, 2 warnings and the pitcher will be ejected.

      1. An illegal pitch is when the pitcher twists his body on the whined up where the shoulder is squared to the home plate, when the throwing arm shoulder is squared with the plate after delivery and if the ball is hit off the hip of the pitcher.

    5. A ball that slips out of the pitcher's hand during the windup is a "no pitch"/ Runners may not advance the ball. Foul tips count as strikes, but must be caught catcher for outs strike 3.

    6. If a pitcher is taken out he is taken off he can still play the field.


    1. After over-running 1st base, { 1 } the batter-runner may legally turn left or right when returning to the base. If any attempt is made towards second base either from the fair or foul territory, the batter-runner is liable for an appeal out if tagged by a defensive player with the ball while off the base.


    1. If a player throws the bat intentionally in anger, { 1 } the player shall be given a warning with the next incident resulting in him being ejected from the game.

    2. If the bat slips from the batters hands, { 2 } there is no penalty unless the discarded bat prevents the defense from making a play on the ball and thus interference should be called.


    1. Are not allowed to be worn by any players in any scheduled game whether it be the regular season , { 1 } playoffs , { 2 } championship games.

    2. Cleats are not allowed on the turf fields for the safety of all the players.


    1. Bats which can be identified by the Umpire is not allowed in this league. Any player caught using an illegal bat will be removed from the game and any runs that was scored by the bat will be removed from that teams score.


    1. It is the responsibility of the runner to avoid collisions or interference with fielders in the event of a close play at any base.

    2. Runners must slide during a close play at any base (esp. home plate) with the exception of initial force plays at first.

    3. If a runner does not slide, and (in the judgment of the umpire) causes contact with a fielder that impedes his ability to make a play, the runner will be called out.

    4. To protect the runner and the catcher, the catcher cannot block the plate at any time unless the catcher has full possession of the ball. In that respect the runner must surrender or slide.


    1. Regulation softball fields should be minimal 250 feet from the plate to the fence, anything less than 250 feet will be considered a ground rule double. Please refer to you umpire to determine field size.


    1. Home plate is in fair territory. Balls hitting bases are fair.

    2. Foul lines are fair territory.

    3. Ground balls that bounce anywhere before first & third and then cross over (or between) first & third are FAIR no matter where they land in the outfield.

    4. Fly balls or line drives past first & third must land in fair territory in
      the outfield.

    5. Ground or fly balls that do not reach first & third are fair if they come to rest in fair territory or are first touched by a fielder while the ball is in fair territory.

    6. Batter Is Out When :

      1. A batted fair ball hits him when offensive player is out of the batter's box.

      2. Batter steps on or across home plate to strike the ball.

      3. A foul tip is caught when the batter has two strikes.

      4. When Batter Bunts.

      5. Runners return to bases. The infield fly rule is called (and the ball is
        caught or lands in fair territory)


    1. Is When the umpire calls ball 4 and the batter is awarded a base , no player can advance or be picked off. It's a dead play


    1. To qualify for playoffs a player must have at least 12 games played in the regular season.

    2. All games must be documented on the line-up cards and score-books.

    3. All qualified players will be listed on the website rosters.

    4. If the game is forfeited the winning teams players are all awarded 14 innings.

    5. Players on the team that forfeited do not get credit for the innings

    6. Pitchers must pitch 35 innings minimum.

    7. Utility players that pitch must pitch minimum 21 innings on the mound to be able to pitch in the playoffs if needed.

      1. What qualifies for a game appearance?

        1. A player qualifies for a game appearance when he is officially put in a game under any capacity.

        2. Only players PHYSICALY in the parks can be placed on the score card.

        3. During a forfeit, all players on the winning team will get credit for that game.

      2. What doesn't qualify as a game appearance?

        1. If a player is not on the score card he will not qualify for a game.

        2. If a player comes after the 3rd inning he cannot qualify for THAT game.


    1. Championship prize will be determined by the number of teams in each league in which a standard prize will be first announced with the league reserving the right prior to the start of the season to make changes if those expected number of teams are not met. If that occurs the league will use a base formula to deduct said amount as this is the way it was set up to begin with. If the league increases , then the formula used for the deciding championship prize to begin with is what will be used to set the difference accordingly.


    1. Runners may take a lead after the release of the ball by the pitcher.If runner take the lead before pitch is released he will be called out.


    1. Any rule violations that is caught during or at the end of a game will result in the violating team forfeiting their win for that game, if any.


    1. At en event of a tie in the after the 7th inning is completed. Last runner out will start at 2nd base at the start of the extra innings.


    1. Sandbagging is when a pitcher will play mediocre throughout the season and at playoffs the pitcher becomes dominate.

    2. Sandbagging will result in the team being disqualified and the pitcher will be put on the banned list for the B and C Divisions.



    1. A live or dead ball appeal is a play or situation on which an umpire cannot make a decision unless requested by a manager, coach or player of the non-offending team. A coach or manager may only make a dead ball appeal and only after stepping onto the playing field.

    2. If made by a fielder, the fielder must be in the infield when making the appeal. The appeal may not be made after any one of the following has occurred.

      1. A legal pitch has been thrown or an illegal pitch has been called.


      1. An appeal for the use of an Illegal Substitute, Illegal Re-entry, (either leaving or returning to the line-up under the Substitute Rule) and not reporting to the umpire can be made anytime while such player is still in the game.

      2. An appeal for runners switching positions on the bases they occupied may be made anytime until all such runners are in the dugout or the half inning is over.

      3. The pitcher and all defensive players have left fair territory; or The umpires have left the field of play following the last play of the game.

    4. These are the types of appeals: (The ball must be given back to the pitcher and then thrown to the position player to make the appeal.)

      1. Missing a base

      2. Leaving a base on a caught fly ball before the ball is first touched

    5. c. Batting out-of-order (Manager or coach can appeal any time as long as the batter is still in the box)

    6. Illegal substitutions (Manager or coach can appeal any time the player is on the field)

    7. The use of unannounced players under the Substitute Rule will comprise of an Out if the player is batting. When the player is formally submitted then the player will be allowed to play after the out has been issued. If the player is called out while on the field, player will also have to step off the field if playing defense until the flowing inning.

    8. Illegal re-entry will result to an Out if the player is batting and would have to step off the field if playing defense.


    1. When a substitution is made the umpire and the manager of the other team must be notified of the changes.


    1. A starting player returns to the game a second time after twice being substituted

    2. A starting player returns to the game after being substituted but not in his original position in the offensive line-up

    3. A substitute who has legally been in the game returns to the game after being replaced by either the original starting player or another substitute.

    4. The starting DP (FP ONLY) or his substitute is placed into the batting order in a position other than his original starting position.

    5. A Flex player who is placed in the batting order in a position other than that of the starting DP


    1. An Illegal Substitute is a player who has entered the game without being announced to the umpire. He may be:

      1. A substitute who has not previously been in the game;

      2. An Illegal Player;

      3. A declared Ineligible Player;

      4. An Illegal Re-entry;


      1. Top 8 teams play for the grand prize.

      2. Lower seed teams play for the Commissioners Cup if 4 or more teams are lower seeds.

      3. High seeds versus Lower seeds (ex:1 v 8, 2 v 7, 3 v 6, 4 v 5).

      4. After the 1st round of playoffs, playoffs will continue with high seed versus low seed form.

      5. Playoff games will be best of 3.

      6. Final game will be best of 3


      1. A team can reschedule only 1 double header for the season.

      2. The rescheduling team must give notice of at least 2 weeks.

      3. If the rescheduling team cannot make up the games or cannot come to an agreement to play on any of the off days provided this will result in 2 losses for the rescheduling team.