
Information about the 2022 Summer Matawan Baseball Season. - Home Games are Played at Matawan High School - Varsity Field

  •  450 Atlantic Avenue, Matawan, NJ


18U Game Schedule (Updated on 7/10/22 @ 5:00PM) - Coach will inform boys about arrival time.

  • Tuesday, 6/21/22 @ 5:45PM - Home v Jersey Giants Black (W 4-1)
  • Tuesday, 6/28/22 @ 5:45PM - Home v Brick Dragons (L 10-3)
  • Thursday, 6/30/22 @ 5:45PM - Home v Jersey Giants Black (L 7-1)
  • Tuesday, 7/5/22 @ 6PM - Away v Jersey Giants Orange (W 7-1)
  • Thursday, 7/7/22 @ 5:45PM - Home v Point Boro Panthers (W 7-6)
  • Tuesday, 7/12/22 @ Time 5:30 - Mallard Park - Away Doubleheader v Sea Dogs (W 7-0, L 5-3)
  • Wednesday, 7/20/22 - Cancelled

Playoffs/Single Elimination

  • Tuesday, 7/26 - Giants Orange - 5:45 Matawan High School (Quarter-Final)
  • Thursday, 7/28 - TBD (Semi-Final)
  • Tuesday, 8/2 - TBD (Championship)




2014 MRHS Varsity Team

April 26, 2013

2013 MRHS Varsity Team


2012 District 11 Senior League Champs

2011 - 2012 Terriers...Cooperstown Here We Come!!!

Cooperstown 2011 - A huge success


This fall, when you see Geese heading south for the winter, flying along in “V” formation, you might consider what science has discovered as to why they fly that way. As each bird flaps its wings, it creates uplift for the bird immediately following. By flying in “V” formation the whole flock adds at least 71% greater flying range than if each bird flew on its own.

When a goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of trying to go it alone and quickly gets back into formation to take advantage of the lifting power of the bird in front. When the Head Goose gets tired, it rotates back in the wing and another goose flies point.

Geese honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep up their speed. Finally, and this is important, when a goose gets sick, or is wounded by gunshots and falls out of formation, two other geese fall out with that goose and follow it down to lend help and protection. They stay with the fallen goose until it is able to fly, or until it dies. Only then do they launch out on their own, or with another formation to catch up with their group.

By Dr. Robert McNeish, 1972


1. Come on time to practice, ready to cooperate and give it your best effort
2. Listen when Coaches and team members are talking.
3. Encourage and respect everyone on the team.
4. Always try your best.
5. Thank people for doing nice things.
6. Have a positive attitude and willingness to learn.

This is not “fool around” or goof off fun, but it is the pride, satisfaction and fulfillment you will experience from improving your game, improving yourself, competing, taking part and contributing to the team. It is the fun of feeling good about oneself.

1. Get to know your teammates.
2. Encourage and help your teammates.
3. Give positive feedback to your teammates whenever possible.
4. Remember that positive attitude is highly contagious.
5. Work hard in practice.
6. Communicate with your coaches.

Fall 2010 Terriers

Back Row: Rai Nagy, Kyle Nusbaum, Wayne Bloom, Bobby Kakoleski, Joe Beukers, Andrew Montaperto.
Front Row: Ryan Cavanagh, Zach Grillo, Tyler Walling, Corey Clifton, Antonio Martinez.

Hop on the bus Gus!

Thanks for the bus Wayne! The Terriers will be traveling in style for a while. The team bus will roll for away games this season.

Cooperstown 2010 - Whoever kicked the umpire in the shin.....Please step forward!

L to R: Matt Carmichael, Austen Johnson, Nick Perrone, Ben Weisburg, David Sherman, Tommy Vella, Tyler Easlick, Ryan Driscoll, Kyle Chapman, Mike Gann, Andrew Montaperto, Kyle Nusbaum...and prime suspect Alex Cosentino.

Fall 2009 USABL Champions

Terriers win USABL fall 2009 Championship!

Doubleday Field - Summer 2009

On Monday August 3, 2009 the Terriers played the Wayne Wolfpack at Doubleday field in Cooperstown, NY. the team rolled into town on Saturday and made a long weekend out of it.

Back row L to R: Sal Barreto, Luke Adduchio, Chris Montaperto, Jim nusbaum, Denis Morgan, Jim Sandy, Pat Borruso, Taylor Grillo.
Front row L to R: Cory Nusbaum, Matt Montaperto, Justin Henderson, Mike Creamer, Chris Veary, Danny Wills, Justin Sandy, Danny Morgan, Nick Santuccio.

Mothers Day 2009

Coaches Instructions for Mothers Day Baseball Games: Coach, get to the field early and write "MOM" on the infield with the chalk machine. Mom is probably not totally thrilled about getting up for the 400th consecutive Sunday (Including all previous Mother's Day's since T-ball), but she will! Take her out for breakfast and give her a kiss. Should be good for the next 52 Sundays....repeat as necessary until college.

Cooperstown 2008

L to R: Sal Barretto, Justin Sandy, Pat Scaglione, Nick Santuccio, Anthony Coughlin, Cory Nusbaum, Danny Wills, Matt Montaperto, Danny Morgan, Luke Adduchio, Taylor Grillo, Chris Veary.

Scaggs-Veary Walk-Off Back-to-Back Home Runs

September 9, 2006 - A new Terrier era began

Back Row L to R: Matt Montaperto, Pat Scaglione, Justin Henderson, Danny Incle, Danny Morgan, Justin Sandy.
Front Row L to R: Pat Borruso, Taylor Grillo, Robert Walsh, Cory Nusbaum, Chris Veary.

In the beginning....God made a Terrier (1951 Terriers) - Uncle Richie Nusbaum-Back row on the left

In 1951 the first organized baseball team in Matawan was forged from the principals of sportsmanship and teamsmanship. The Matawan Terriers represented the community in contests with other Bayshore area towns. They played on Middlesex Field (now knownas Toomer Field) on a black infield made from coal cinders. By 1958, the success of the Terriers spawned three other local teams, the Blue Jays, Tigers and Red Sox. In the 1960's and 70's Matawan Baseball continued to grow and expand to what is now more than 50 teams serving over 500 players. In effect, the Matawan Terriers started it all. Unfortunately, in the mid seventies the Terriers name was lost from our local fields, replaced by more traditional baseball names like the Yankees and Mets. However, in September, 2006 the Matawan-Aberdeen Terriers once again took the same field where they began almost 60 years earlier. The modern squad consists of boys ages 11-15 who represent Matawan in the United States Amateur Baseball League, competing throughout Monmouth County. Our team still stresses the same principals of sportsmanship and teamsmanship from which we first began.