Manager/Coach Application

Coach's Information:


Coaching Experience:

(1) I understand that all managers and coaches must complete a background check, conducted by the Anne Arundel County Recreation and Parks office, before managing or coaching a team. I understand that failure to pass the background investigation will prevent me from managing or coaching in any Havenwood Girls Softball programs or activities.

(2) I understand that all Managers must attend a mandatory managers meeting prior to the beginning of each season, held by the NCCGSL. This meeting is usually held over two days and all managers or a designated team coach must attend both days.

(3) I understand that Havenwood Girls Softball has a right to select its managers and coaches. If selected as a manager, I agree to follow all of Havenwood Girls Softball's rules and policies. If not selected as a manager or coach, I agree to hold harmless Havenwood Girls Softball and its organizers from any claim arising out of such decision.

(4) I understand that Havenwood Girls Softball has a policy of promoting good sportsmanship at all times. If selected as a manager or coach of a team sponsored by Havenwood Girls Softball, I will not engage in unsportsmanlike conduct, to include but not limited to, threatening, intimidating, coercing, using abusive or vulgar language, or otherwise negatively interfering with a child, coach, manager, umpire, official, or spectator. I understand that the Havenwood Girls Softball Board of Directors maintains the right to remove coaches who do not adhere to this policy.

Background investigation forms can be obtained upon request from the President of Havenwood Girls Softball or directly from the Department of Recreations website, by clicking here.

* indicates required fields

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