Subscribe to our Newsletter2025 League Information: Softball
All league scores should be reported within 24 hours.
Games ending under a 10-run rule are recorded as a 10-run win (not the actual score)
Ex. Final score of 16-3 recorded as 13-3
Schedules online are per the master schedule. Should you have moved a game or had to reschedule one you will find it on its ORIGINALLY SCHEDULED DATE.
League play ends Tuesday, May 13. Games falling after this date will NOT COUNT for tournament seeding.
Top six (6) teams make the tournament.
Remaining teams play at least one (1) consolation game. (70% of league games must have been played)
Playoff Dates:
Thursday - 5/15/2024 - Round 1: (Top 2 teams BYE) 6@3, 5@4
Consolation Games - 10@9, 8@7
Monday - 5/19/2025 - Semifinals: 6/3 Winner @2, 5/4 Winner @1
Wednesday - 5/21/2025 - Finals: @Highest Remaining Seed
2025 Softball League Bylaws
C.J.J.S.A.A Softball By-Laws 2025
Participants: Bridgewater-Raritan, Branchburg, Clinton, Franklin, Hillsborough, JP Case, Long Hill, Montgomery, Readington, Warren, William Annin
1. Games will consist of 7 innings. A 10-run rule will be in effect after five (5) innings (4 ½ if the home team is ahead).
2. Game Balls: Home teams will provide game balls.
3. Game Book: Both teams are encouraged to keep a game book. At minimum, the HOME team MUST keep an accurate book. If that is an issue it must be made know to the visitors thus making their book the book of record.
4. Line-ups: consist of nine (9) field players.
a. Teams may opt to include a DH for one of the nine (9) fielders.
b. Teams may additionally bat a tenth (10) player as an Extra Hitter (non-fielder). (May be inserted as a field player but must remain in the original line-up batting spot. The field player they are replacing becomes the Extra Hitter in the line-up.)
c. All substitution/re-entry rules still apply.
5. Re-entry: Only permitted for a starter who was removed for a substitute. Re-entry must be in the same spot they occupied in the original line-up. Substitutes removed from a game are not eligible to re-enter.
6. Bats: All bats should be ASA approved with the ASA stamp.
7. Time limits/Curfew: If applicable, all home teams whose field has a curfew, or time limit, must communicate those to the opponent the day prior to a game to ensure the traveling team makes every effort to arrive and warm-up in a timely manner.
8. Courtesy Runner: May be used to speed up the game in place of pitchers and catchers. Runner must not currently be in the game and may not be the same runner for both the pitcher and catcher. Substitutes removed from a game are not permitted to serve as a courtesy runner except if no available substitutes are left.
9. Tie-Breaker Rule: Beginning at the top of the tenth (10) inning, during each half inning used to enforce the tie breaker, the offensive team shall begin its turn at bat with the player who is scheduled to bat ninth (or tenth if batting ten) in that respective half inning being placed at second base. (e.g.: If the number five batter is to lead off, the number four batter in the batting order will be placed on second base). An available substitute may be inserted for the runner provided they have yet to enter the game.
10. Warm-up Time: Visiting teams will be given no less than fifteen (15) minutes if arriving late to a field.
11. Score reporting: Winning teams are required to report game results on the website within 24 hours. When recording scores of games that ended due to the 10-run rule, a cap of 10 runs are issued to the winning team.
a. Example: A team winning by a score of 16-3 would report the score as 13-3.
Playoff information (League Play ENDS: Tuesday, May 13, 2024)
Top six (6) league teams participate in a single-elimination tournament. Remaining teams play at least one (1) consolation game.
Seeding will be based on league games using the following criteria:
1. Winning %
2. Head-to-Head
3. Run differential
4. Wins against highest seeded team on down
5. Coin flip
*70% of league games must be completed.
Playoff Dates: *All playoff games played @ higher seed
Round 1: 5/15/2025 BYE 1 & 2, 6@3, 5@4
Semifinals: 5/19/2025 6/3 winner @ 2, 5/4 winner @ 1
Finals: 5/21/2025 (@ highest remaining seed)