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Contact Redrock

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Redrock little league

P.O. Box 82156
Las Vegas, NV 89180
Phone: 702-380-7888
Fax: 702-248-0254

Name Position Phone Profile EMail
Jeff Holder President 702-380-7888
Kyle Dellinger Vice President 702-380-7888
Amanda Dellinger Treasurer 702-380-7888
Jennifer Walston Secretary 702-380-7888
Vacant Position Information Officer 702-380-7888
Moses Silva Coaches Coordinator 702-380-7888
Stephany Coy Player Agent 702-380-7888
vacant position Safety Officer 702-380-7888
George Uzueta Concession Coordinator 702-380-7888
Vacant Position Umpire-In-Chief 702-380-7888