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Welcome to the 2020 Meco Ball Park! This upcoming year the Edwards family (Kevin Edwards, Brittany Krywulych, Ben Edwards) will be in charge of the park, the league, and the expanded concession. Looking to have our first meeting  February 13th 6:30pm at the Dixie Saloon located on 336 North Perry Street in Johnstown. At the meeting we would like a representative of each team that is interested in putting a team for all leagues. We will be having men’s medium, high arc, and CoEd! There will also be a volleyball league. We are looking to have many tournaments including a women’s tournament! 

We are looking for feedback on who is interested in putting a team in for the 2020 season. If there are any questions please private message Brittany. 

We are looking forward to this new venture with all of you!

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