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ESYA Annual Meeting Minutes 11/28/18

December 11, 2018 – 06:26 PM

1.       Call to Order

Aaron Christ called the meeting to order at 6:35 PM, Seconded by Amanda Iverson

2.       Roll Call

a.       Julie Booth, present to help with facilitation

b.      Dave Wilhelmi, not able to attend due to being ill.

c.       All community members in Attendance signed in see sign in sheet for details.  (Available for review by request).

d.      Members Present

Aaron Christ, President

Amanda Iverson, Secretary

Jamie Ludwigson, Member at large

Amanda Neckar, Treasurer

e.      Members Excused

Codi Koxlien, Member at large

3.       New member voting- Voting to fill 3 positions

a.       Nominations

                                                               i.      Kelly Flynn

                                                             ii.      Drew Semingson

                                                            iii.      Brian King

                                                           iv.      Matt Franson

b.      Nominations closed by Aaron Christ/ Brian King and seconded by Amanda Iverson.

c.       Votes completed and counted by Amanda Iverson and Julie Booth

                                                               i.      Kelly Flynn and Drew Semingson

                                                             ii.      Re-vote needed for Matt Franson and Brian Kings completed.

1.       Brian King receiving the most votes

                                                            iii.      New members Kelly Flynn, Drew Semingson, and Brian King.

4.       Treasurer report

a.       Account Balance: $4,308.25

b.      Income for the year:$22,014.42

c.       Debits for the year: $ 24,237.38

d.      Donations: $2000.00 (Village of Strum)

e.      Upcoming bills: 

                                                               i.      Workman’s Comp:  $504.00

                                                             ii.      Deer Hunting Raffle: $2700.00

5.       Program Status

a.       Aaron Christ update on programs that are provided- Trying to keep the costs down to allow all children in our community the opportunity to play sports. 

                                                               i.      Fall Sports: Flag football, USA football, Volleyball, and Soccer

                                                             ii.      Winter Sports: Basketball

                                                            iii.      Spring/Summer Sports: Baseball and Softball

6.       Concerns

a.       Parent/Attendee:  Stan Nelson voiced concern with how the youth association is run.  Allowed Stan time to voice his concerns. 

                                                               i.      The sports offered within the youth association

                                                             ii.      Work on making the youth association larger.

b.      Parent/ Attendee (Voted Member at large) Brian King

                                                               i.      Discussed being professional on social media.

7.       Meeting adjourned by Aaron Christ and Seconded by Amanda Iverson @ 7:42pm

8.       Next meeting scheduled for the 3rd Wednesday of the month 12/19/18 @ 6:30pm location TBD.






ESYA Board Meeting Agenda 12/12/18

December 11, 2018 – 06:25 PM

ESYA Meeting Agenda

Dec 12th, 2018


1.       Board Members

a.       Welcoming of newly elected Board Members

b.      Discussion/Appointment of officer positions


2.       Finance Update

a.       Status

b.      Otay Tollefson  - Eleva Baseball field prep

                                                               i.      Discussed in Nov meeting, but need approval from Board


3.       Board Member Participation/Assistance

a.       Committees


4.       Basketball – Boys and Girls

a.       Working with school for gym availability in both the MS/HS/Strum/New Elementary gym

b.      Will have meeting w/Coaches to confirm days of the week that will work

                                                               i.      K-1st and 2-4th separated in different sessions

c.       4th grade games

                                                               i.      5-8th participate in NW League through HS Varsity programs


5.       Youth Football

a.       Discuss options that have been presented


6.       Baseball

a.       Pony League interest in CVBL vs Tremp/Buffalo Co League


Tabling until January meeting:

7.       Pizza Night/ESYA open gym night


8.       Soccer


9.       Additional Fundraising


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