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Message Board Guidelines

We welcome all members and visitors to post. However, we also enforce strict rules when it comes to posting. Please adhere to the rules below when posting:

1. Use of appropriate content is required. Abusive, profane and vulgar language, graphics and images will not be tolerated.

2. Personal attacks on or impersonation of players, management, employees of baseball and other users are not permitted.

3. Personal attacks include, but are not limited to, the following: defamatory, sexual, and/or sexually implicit remarks.

4. Advertising, solicitations and chain letters are prohibited.
The cutting and pasting of copyrighted information is prohibited.

5. Posting information on accessing content that infringes or otherwise violates any intellectual property right, or any other proprietary right, of Dixie Baseball or any third party is prohibited.

6. The posting of e-mail addresses and/or phone numbers of others is prohibited.

7. Posting of URLs and/or inappropriate images is prohibited.

8. Use the "Report Violations" option in the message "Option" pull down to report all violators.