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Author TOPIC: I finally get it!
Chosen 1

October 8, 2007
8:23:12 PM

Entry #: 2408392
I've been thinking for the last day or so, even as I've been typing messages and stuff, that there is something I'm missing, something about Avondale that I just don't get! That certain "it" that I just don't understand! Well, I finally get "it"! And for that reason I will leave your site forever! I now realize why I'm not wanted, and I can understand why! I don't belong on here at all, and I never have! I'm sorry if I caused any grief or hard feelings, that was never my intent! I hope I made people happy and laugh, and the times I was serious(not too many!) I hope my comments and advice was helpful! I know I've left before, but this is the first time I've left with a clear head, and I finally get and understand "it"! I don't ever want to come back, not because of anybody here, but because for the first time since I've been on here, I finally understand! You see, even if I wanted to stay or come back at another time, I couldn't and I wouldn't! I'm also asking that please, nobody ask me to stay or come back any time, because this will be the last time I ever lay eyes on this website, so it wouldn't do any good! I know I'm not wanted, and for the first time I completely understand why, but I have no hard feelings or any anger whatsoever towards Avondale or Newfoundland! In fact, I wish all the drivers well inthe chase for the cup! Man, I don't know how you all put up with me so long! I'm sorry I stayed so long and left and came back so many times, I really am! Take care everyone! Goodbye.

October 8, 2007
8:40:46 PM

Entry #: 2408424
this closes a very interesting chapter.

Hey Chosen 1

October 8, 2007
9:15:33 PM

Entry #: 2408472
If the Chosen 1 is interested in coming to Avondale Speedway i would help raise some money to buy him a ticket.

October 9, 2007
1:56:06 AM

Entry #: 2408865
do you realize your talkin to someone who wont even see it? he said this is the last time he will ever look at this web-site did he not? whose the mental case here??

October 9, 2007
2:06:32 AM

Entry #: 2408868
hahahahahahaha......the controversial enigma!!!! love him or hate him, there was never a dull moment when he was posting on the 'ol board. i hope he returns someday because it will never be the same. C1 4 LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


October 9, 2007
7:26:26 AM

Entry #: 2408935
again already.thats terrible.


October 12, 2007
2:52:03 PM

Entry #: 2415185
Hey Chosen 1, come back. Don't let them run you off. This is a cool site. What does he mean by "I finally get it?" Anybody?

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